Skipper 1. Adjectives I

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Sudden; unfriendly, rude
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Saying exactly what you think without caring about people's feelings; bezceremonialny, bez ogródek
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Blunt (-/+)
Too confident, self-assertive in a rude way; obcesowy, arogancki, bezczelny
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Brash (-)
They try to get what they want by thinking carefully and without emotion, and not caring about other people; wyrachowany
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Calculating (-)
Cruel and heartless; bezwzględny, bezduszny
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Callous (-)
Arguing and complaining a lot, bad-tempered people; kłótliwy, zrzędliwy
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Cantankerous (-)
Happy, in a good mood; radosny, wesoły
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Cheerful (+)
Rude way of talking; oschły, szorstki
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Curt (-)
Sb who often changes their opinion about things; kapryśny, zmienny
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Fickle (-)
Looking too bright, big, and expensive, in a way that is intended to get attention; Krzykliwy
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(-) Sb who is trying to find out about other people’s lives (+)wanting to discover as much as you can about things; wścibski, dociekliwy
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Calm and able to deal easily with difficult situations
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(-/+) Very careful, and giving great attention to detail; dokładny, drobiazgowy
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Sad and weak; showing no skill effort or bravery
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(-/+) Person continues to do something although other people do not want them to; wytrwały, nieustępliwy
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(-) Doing something dangerous and not caring about what might happen; lekkomyślny, brawurowy
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(-) Cruel, cold and have no mercy of feelings for others; bezlitosny, bezwzględny
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A clever way to get what you want; przebiegły
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(-/+) - Something such as blood, you find it very unpleasant and it makes you feel ill; wrażliwy, delikatny, przeczulony, skłonny do mdłości
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(-) Sb in an unpleasant mood and not smiling or speaking to anyone; nadąsany, posępny, ponury
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Deal with; speak to; attack
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(-) Behaving in a way that is dishonest or unfair in order to get what you want; nie przebierający w środkach, bez skrupułów
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(-) Person that can suddenly become angry or violent; nieprzewidywalny
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(-/+) - Quiet and not talking to other people; wycofany
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