American slang

American slang
Do you like partying hard in the US? Learn what happens around you!

You’ll finally understand American hiphop and gangster films!
Start talking like a New York local!
Impress your American buddies!
Let us warn you - slang course contains a lot of swear words.
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What is American slang?

American slang includes words and phrases that are used in an informal way to form an identity of a group of people. At first, American slang referred to the vocabulary of people with a bad reputation. American slang, just like every slang, is constantly changing. Since so many people use American slang nowadays, English learners from many countries want to learn American slang to understand the informal speech of native speakers and to be able to communicate with them. American slang opens a door to learning more about the local culture and history. Moreover, it creates a feeling of belonging and unite the local community. Learning American slang is a way to stay current with the local expressions and dialect and become part of the community.

How to learn American slang?

If you're looking for an effective way to learn American slang words and remember American slang phrases, you can use our fun flashcards! Our professional linguists prepared a course with the most commonly used and popular American slang words and expressions. Each of the American slang phrases includes an explanation and an example sentence, helping you understand it and use it in your speech. You can download the American slang course and learn the American slang words on the go by listening to them or reading them. Here are the main topics included in this course and examples of American slang words:

  • 1. Affection (frillies, heartthrob)
  • 2. Basic (big deal, bud)
  • 3. College (couch potato, antsy)
  • 4. Drug use (pipe, road dope)
  • 5. Miscellaneous (crock, elbow room)

Learn more slang with VocApp!

Repeat the American slang vocabulary of this course to remember it forever and continue learning slang and useful phrases with our courses. You can check the English idioms course that includes over 500 popular idioms in thematic lessons. This will really enhance your knowledge and abilities. If you're interested in the British slang, check the British English slang and Cockney courses to speak like a Londoner! Learn English vocabulary fast and easy with our effective method!
