Vika 20th Sept 2016 #2

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by bus
on foot
by train
Autobus był o 1.
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The bus was at 1.00.
półtorej godziny
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one and a half hours
półtora dnia
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one and a half days
Ile czasu zajęło ci dojechanie do Wilna?
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How much time did it TAKE you to reach Vilnius?
dojechać / dotrzeć gdzieś
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to REACH sth
Dotarłam do Suwalk o 6.
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I reachED Suwalki at 6.
Dojazd do Wilna zajął mi 3 godziny.
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It took me 3 hours to reach Vilnius.
Posprzątanie mieszkania zajęło mi 2 godziny.
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It took me 2 hours TO clean my flat.
mniej niż 4 godziny
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less than three hours
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on foot
Powiedz to jeszcze raz, proszę.
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Say it again, please.
Poszliśmy na mecz piłki nożnej.
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We went to a football game/ match.
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game / match
dorosły / osoba dorosła
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Mecz zaczął się o 1.00.
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The game STARTED at 1.00.
Mecz zakończył się o 2.30.
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The game finished AT 2.30.
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it's 5 TO 9
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It's (a) quarter past 5.
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it's a quarter TO 7.
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congrats / congratulations
a potem...
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and then...
Zjedliśmy obiad.
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We had lunch.
Jem śniadanie o 6.
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I have breakfast at 6.00.
O której jesz śniadanie?
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What time DO you have breakfast?
O której wstajesz?
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What time DO you get up?
O której ona kładzie się spać?
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What time DOES she go to sleep?
O której ona poszła spać?
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What time DID she go to sleep?
z rana
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in the morning
w minioną niedzielę
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last Sunday
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