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Question English Answer English
to change the direction of a conversation, but making a link whith what has just been said.
start learning
talking of
(2) to introduce sth to change the subject completely
start learning
by the way, incidentally
(3) to introduce additional surprising or unexpected information
start learning
actually, in fact, as a matter of fact
(2) to introduce the idea of what you said before is less important, or return to the main topic
start learning
anyway, in any case
to introduce positive point after negative
start learning
at least
to return to the previous subject
start learning
as I was saying
to generalize
start learning
on the whole
taking everything into consideration
start learning
all in all
strong argument, sb not have taken into consideration
start learning
after all
add additional infornations
start learning
to introduce fundamental point
start learning
to introduce clear fact
start learning
to make sth clearer or give more details
start learning
I mean
say sth again in another way
start learning
in other words
to say that the result would be if sth didn't happen
start learning
(3) to introduce a new topic
start learning
as regards, regarding, as far as ... is concerned
to introduce the explanation of clarification of a point you have just made
start learning
that is to say
to balance
start learning
on the one hand ... on the other hand
its just too difficult for me
start learning
not getting anywhere
recover from
start learning
get over
start a career or profesion
start learning
get into
move sb from place to place
start learning
get around
make sb understand (wejsc w temat)
start learning
get through to
manage with what you have
start learning
get by
fail to make enough progress, zostać w tyle np. z pracą
start learning
not getting anywhere
depress you
start learning
get you down
respond to sb by speaking or writing
start learning
get back to
avoid responsibility or obligation
start learning
getting out of
meet socially
start learning
get together
continue doing
start learning
get on with
do sth wrong without getting caught
start learning
get away with
bądz realistą
start learning
get real
zrób coś ze swoim życiem
start learning
get a life
działać komuś na nerwy
start learning
get on sb nerves
świetnie się dogadywać
start learning
get on like a house on fire
ruszaj się!
start learning
get a move on
starzeć się
start learning
getting on
złapać o co chodzi
start learning
get the message
postawić na swoim
start learning
get sb own way

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