kolokacje; pogoda i nałogi

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grzmot, trzask pioruna
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clap of thunder
lać jak z cebra
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pour with rain
rozpogadzać się, przejaśniać
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clear up
zostać porażonym piorunem
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be struck by lightning
przemakać do suchej nitki
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get soaked to the skin
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stifling hot
oblodzona droga
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icy road
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wpadać w poślizg
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skid on
zawroty głowy
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ciśnienie powietrza
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air pressure
prognoza pogody
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weather forecast
potwornie zimno
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freezing cold
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flash of lightning
gęsta mgła
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thick fog
temperatura celsjusza
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degrees centigrade
lekki podmuch wiatru
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gentle breeze
piekielnie gorąco
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boiling hot
pochmurne niebo
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overcast sky
poniżej zera
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below freezing
podmuch wiatru
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gust of wind
ograniczyć spożycie cukru
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cut down on sugar
I have cut down on sugar in my tea and coffee but I still can't live without doughnuts.
zły nawyk
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bad habit
upić się
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get drunk
obgryzać paznokcie
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bite one's nails
kompletnie pijany
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blind drunk
lubić słodycze
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have a sweet tooth
nałogowy hazard
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compulsive gambling
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drug addict
plaster nikotynowy
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nicotine patch
zespół odstawienia
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withdrawal symptoms
być uzależnionym od czegoś
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be addicted to something
rzucić palenie
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quit smoking
zerwać z nałogiem
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break a habit
silnie uzależniający
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highly addictive
wyrobić w sobie zwyczaj robienia czegoś
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get into the habit of doing something
You should get into the habit of eating five small meals per day.
łaknienie, zachcianka np. podczas ciąży
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mieć na coś nieodpartą ochotę
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have a craving for something
komuś kręci się w głowie
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somebody's head is spinning
mieć kaca
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have a hangover

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