Kasia 6th July 2016

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Jadę do Niemiec w tę sobotę.
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I'm going to Germany this Saturday.
Nie jestem pewna.
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I'm NOT certain.
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Sprawdziłam to w słowniku.
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I checked it in THE dictionary.
pojawić się / wystąpić
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to occur
Biorę pod uwagę podróż pociągiem.
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I consider going by train.
Pada mi bateria.
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My battery is dying.
Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna...
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I'd really appreciate it if you asked / if you could ask her about it.
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love bite (BrE)/ hickey (AmE)
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a parachute
to jump with a parachute
kolejka górska w wesołym miasteczku
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w filmiku
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in the video
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On miał to zrobić sam.
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He was supposed to do it alone.
Miałeś zadzwonić do mnie wczoraj wieczorem.
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You were supposed to call me yesterday evening
Ona miała kupić wszystko po drodze do domu.
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She was supposed to buy everything on her way home.
Powinno się kupić bilet, ale nie wszyscy to robią.
Myślałam, że zapłacą nam dzisiaj.
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You're supposed to buy a ticket, but not many people do.
I thought we were supposed to be paid today.
"Tak i nie". "Co to ma znaczyć?"
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‘Yes and no.’ ‘What is that supposed to mean?’
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We DID SOME sightseeing.
rozmawiać z kimś
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talk TO (with) sb / speak TO (with) sb
Czy mogę zamienić z tobą słowo?
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Can I have a word with you?
Can I borrow you for a second/a minute/a moment?
Ile jest stopni?
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How many degrees is it?
Pojedźmy nad jezioro.
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Let's go TO the lake.
Pojedźmy nad morze.
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Let's go to the seaside.
Oni pojechali w góry.
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They went to the mountains.

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