Kamile 27th Oct 2016 #7

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Chce mi się pić.
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I'm thisty.
Oglądamy tv teraz.
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We ARE watching tv now.
W zeszłym tygodniu pojechałam do Francji.
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Last week we went to France.
przed posiłkami NIGDY nie używamy A/ the
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breakfast / lunch / dinner
Raz w tygodniu chodzimy do kina.
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Once a week we go to the cinema.
myć samochód
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to wash a car
On chodzi do szkoły pieszo.
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She goes TO school on foot.
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Pojedźmy samochodem.
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Let's go by car.
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by train
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by plane
W zeszłym tygodniu ona pojechała do Niemiec autobusem.
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Last week she went by bus to Germany.
Wczoraj ona poszła dp szkoły pieszo.
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Yesterday she went on foot to school.
Chodźmy do kina.
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Let's go to the cinema.
Ugotujmy obiad.
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Let's cook lunch.
Kupmyu nowe mieszkanie.
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Let's buy a new flat.
Zrób to.
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Do it.
Pomóż mi.
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Help me.
Pomóż im.
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Help them.
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Ona umie tańczyć.
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She can dance.
On umie jeździć na rowerze.
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He can ride a bike/bicycle.
Umiem gotować.
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I can cook.
Umiałam mówić po angielsku, gdy byłam dzieckiem.
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I could speak English when I was a child.
Umiałam pływać, gdy miałam 5 lat.
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I could swim when I was 5 (years old).
Ona umiała czytać, gdy miała 5 lat.
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She could read when she she was 5.
Moja mama umiała prowadzić samochód, gdy miała dziesięć lat.
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My mum could drive a car when she was ten.

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