ESL Podcast 9 - Making and Eating Dinner, and Washing Up

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Question Answer
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I accidentally left some of the groceries in the car overnight and had to throw away the spoiled milk in the morning
do podgrzewania
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to preheat
This cake recipe says that we should preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
piec (np. chleb)
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to bake
Doug likes to bake cookies with his children on the weekends.
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Does your stove have gas burners or electric burners?
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to boil
Don’t put the eggs in the water until the water boils.
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to chop
Please chop the carrots so that I can add them to this soup.
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to stir
I’m supposed to stir this soup for 20 minutes without stopping, but my arm is getting tired.
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to toss
If you don’t toss the salad gently, you will damage the fruits.
podkładka np na stół
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place mat
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Cloth napkins look nicer than paper napkins, but you have to wash them after a meal.
nakrywać do stołu
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to set the table
When you set a table, the fork and napkin should be on the left side of the plate and the knife and spoon should be on the right side of the plate.
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dining room
We can invite only two guests for dinner because our dining room is so small.
zrobić naczynia
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to do the dishes
They always do the dishes together: he washes them and she rinses them off.
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Last night we couldn’t eat all of the chicken, so today my roommate took the leftovers to work for lunch.
Tupperware pojemnik
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Tupperware container
Which Tupperware container are the cooked vegetables in? The blue one or the green one?
plastikowe opakowanie
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plastic wrap
At the picnic, he wrapped the potato salad in plastic wrap so that the flies wouldn’t land in it.
folia aluminiowa
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aluminum foil
I often wrap food with aluminum foil before cooking it in the oven so that it doesn’t become too dry.

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