(4) Discussions (ang <=> ang)

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an idea or plan, perhaps quite tentative and vague
start learning
a suggestion
an idea or plan, more formal and definite, and usually one that a group has to consider
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a proposal
a statement saying you will give something to someone (used mainly in negotiations)
start learning
an offer
put forward a suggestion
start learning
make a suggestion
accept a suggestion
start learning
take up a suggestion
reject a suggestion
start learning
dismiss a suggestion
come up with a suggestion
start learning
think of a suggestion
take part in a discussion
start learning
be involved in a discussion
throw it open for a discussion
start learning
open it up for a discussion
come to a decision
start learning
reach a decision
reconsider a decision
start learning
reassess a decision
raise an issue
start learning
bring up an issue
deal with an issue
start learning
tackle an issue
a sensible suggestion
start learning
a reasonable suggestion
a realistic suggestion
start learning
a feasible suggestion
an absurd suggestion
start learning
a ridiculous suggestion
a sensitive issue
start learning
a difficult issue
a minor issue
start learning
a side issue
a constructive discussion
start learning
a fruitful discussion
a detailed discussion
start learning
in-depth discussion
an exploratory discussion
start learning
an initial discussion
a hard decision
start learning
a tough decision
an easy decision
start learning
a straightforward decision
start doing something seriously
start learning
get down to sth
stop doing one thing and begin doing another
start learning
move on to sth
return to a subject
start learning
go back to sth
speak to someone at a later time
start learning
get back to sb on sth
repeat something in order to understand it
start learning
go over sth
... a meeting
start learning
hold a meeting
prowadzić spotkanie
... all the cards
start learning
hold all the cards
trzymać wszystkie atuty w ręku
... an opinion
start learning
hold an opinion
mieć pogląd
... sb responsible for sth
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hold sb responsible for sth
obarczać kogoś odpowiedzialnością za coś
... part in a discussion
start learning
take part in a discussion
... a decision
start learning
take a decision
podjąć decyzję
... up a suggestion
start learning
take up a suggestion
przyjąć / zaakceptować sugestię
... another approach
start learning
take another approach
... an agreement
start learning
reach an agreement
osiągnąć porozumienie
... a compromise
start learning
reach a compromise
dojść do kompromisu, osiągnąć kompromis
... a dead-end
start learning
reach a dead-end
trafić na ślepy zaułek / uliczkę
... a decision
start learning
reach a decision
podjąć decyzję
... awareness of the issue
start learning
raise awareness of the issue
zwiększyć świadomość problemu / sprawy
... the mater later
start learning
raise the matter later
poruszyć sprawę później
... an important objection
start learning
raise an important objection
wnieść ważny sprzeciw
... an interesting question
start learning
raise an interesting question
poruszyć ciekawą kwestię / zadać interesujące pytanie
... a deadline
start learning
meet a deadline
zdążyć z czymś na czas / dotrzymywać terminu
... a challenge
start learning
meet a challenge
sprostać wyzwaniu (poradzić sobie)
... a need
start learning
meet a need
zaspokoić potrzebę życiową
... an objective
start learning
meet an objective
osiągnąć cel
food that you can eat without using knives, forks, or spoons
start learning
finger food

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