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Are you in the house? yes, I am.
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Is he a nice boy? Yes, he is.
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Are the peaple in the hotel. Yes, they are.
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Are they in the office? Yes, they are.
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Are the cars white? Yes, they are.
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Is the man in the room? Yes, he is.
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Is the girl nice. Yes, she is.
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Is the house big? Yes, it is.
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Is it a church? Yes, it is.
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Are they in the street? Yes, they are.
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Am I in the office? Yes, I am.
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Are we near Poznan? Yes, we are.
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Is she a good girl? Yes, she is.
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Is the boy in the building? Yes, he is.
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Is the bicycle white? Yes, it is.
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Are the peaple in the restaurant? Yes, they are.
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Are you a girl? No, I am not.
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Is he in the house? No, he is not.
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Are they first? No, they are not.
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Are you a boy? No, I am not.
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Is he in the car? No, he is not.
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Are we near Warsaw? No, we are not.
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Is it a big car? No, it is not.
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Is the factory big? No, it is not.
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Is mother in the shop? No, she is not.
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Is the boy in the car? No, he is not.
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Are the people nice? No, they are not.
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