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on powiedzial mi, ze
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He told me that
powiedzialam tobie, ze jestem chora
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I told you, I'm sick
powiedzialam mojemu lekarzowi, ze jestem chora
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I told my doctor that I am ill
powiedzialam jemu, ze jade do polski w grudniu
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I told him, that I'm going to go to Poland.
powiedzialam jej, ze zrobilam to
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I told her that I did it
powiedzialam jemu, ze zamierzam skonczyc prace o 5 pm
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I said to him that I'm going to finish work by 5 pm
powiedzialam jej, ze to nie moja sprawa
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I said to her that it's not my problem
powiedzialam ci parokrotnie
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I said to you few time
powiedzialam ci jednokrotnie
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I told you once
powiedzialam, ze zamierzam isc do sklepu
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I said that I am going to the store
ona powiedziala, ze on chcial tylko pomoc
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She said, that he only wanted to help.
powiedzialam ci, ze ja chce napic sie kawy
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I said to you, that I want to drink coffee
powiedzialam ci, ze ja ide do domu
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I said, that I am going home
pzyznac sie
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szczeze mowiac
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to be honest
z kond to wiesz
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How do you know?
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po prostu, tylko
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chce byc tylko jego przyjacielem
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I just want to be his friend.
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uciwy, szczery
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uspokoj sie
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calm down
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all of the sudden
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on tesknil za nia
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He missed her

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