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Tom Wesslmann, Landscape 4, 1965
Handlowcy - Śmierć sztuki konceptualnej
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Stockists - Death of conceptual art
Guerrilla Girls, Czy kobiety muszą być nagie, aby dostać się na Met. Muzeum?
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Guerrilla Girls, Do Women Have To Be Naked To Get into the Met. Museum?
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Duane Hanson (1925-1996), Supermarket Lady, 1970
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Carolee Schneemann (1939), Interior Scroll, 1970
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Mark Tobey (1890-1976), New crescent 1953
Marshall McLuhan
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Marshall McLuhan
Collage Richarda Hamiltona Tylko to, co sprawiło, że dzisiejsze domy tak różne, tak atrakcyjne? (1956) jest jednym z najwcześniejszych prac, które należy uwzględnić "pop art".
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Richard Hamilton, Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing? (1956) is one of the earliest works to be considered "pop art".
Lawrence Alloway
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Lawrence Alloway
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Pauline Boty, My Colouring Book, 1963.
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Patrick Caulfield, After Lunch
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Martin Creed
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marc quinn sfinx 2006 (Londyn, 1946)
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Jake & Dinos Chapman • Zygotic acceleration, Biogenetic de-sublimated libidinal model
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James Turrell We Are Light-Eaters
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Paul Mccarthy

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