USA geography

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types of land in the USA
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plains, mountains, deserts
distance between east and west coast
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4800 km
distance between the north and the south of us
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2400 km
4 mountain ranges and height of the highest peak
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Sierra Nevada - Mount Whitney (4421) in California Cascades - Mount Rainier (4392) Washington Rocky Mountains - Mount Elbert (4401) - Colorado Appalachian - Mont Mitchell (2037) North Caroline
where are the biggest deserts located? (names)
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the southwestern part (Mojave, Gila, Painted)
the length of the longest river in US
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the biggest and the deepest lake
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Lake Superior (82 sq. km) Crater Lake (Oregon) (589)
Yellowstone National Park
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Wyoming, Montana
the highest mountain
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Mount McKinley (6194) - Alaska
states which border with Canada
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Washington, Montana, North Dakota, Minnessota, Michigan, New York, Vermont
border with Mexico
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California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas
Niagara Falls
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between Ontario in Canada and New York State
biggest state
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Grand Canyon
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the Death Valley
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