start learning
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being in the situation where sth bad is likely to happen
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a shock of disappointment
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to make sth stronger by supporting it or encouraging it
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to get more information about sth by examining it or reading about it
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the process of making exact copy of a plant or animal by removing
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a sign or piece of information that helps you to solve the problem or answer question
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sth that is responsible for a bad situation
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to grow plants in large numbers
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to perform an important function
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when many different types of things or people exist
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to move about searching for things you need, especially food
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to make a person or animal afraid so that tehy go away
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a type of organism which gets its food from decaying material or other living things /grzybicze
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to go back to a time in a past
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justification for something start learning
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living for a long time /długowieczność
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sth that is likely to cause harm
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single plants grown for food
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on an international/global/national level start learning
na poziomie międzynarodowym / globalnym / krajowym
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when animals or plants that live on or in another type of animal cause problem by being somewhere in large numbers
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small living things that can cause disease
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to read a lot about a subject in order to get information
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a problem that makes sth happen later or more slowly that it should be
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start learning
to separate different things
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to make you want to do or have something
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to grow very well or to become very healthy or sucrssful
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caused by or relating to a virus (= infectious organism)