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The teacher gave the signal to start.
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Nauczyciel dal sygnal do startu.
Whose signature is it?
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Czyj to jest podpis?
Is there a significant difference between them?
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Czy jest miendzy nimi znaczonca rurznica?
A silence fell over the room.
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Cisz zapadla w pokoju.
It was a silent night.
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To byla cicha noc.
That's a silly question.
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To glupie pytanie.
My husband gave me silver earrings.
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Muj monrz dal mi srebne kolczyki.
She is very similar to you.
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Ona jest bardzo bodobna do ciebie.
It's not as simple as you may think.
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To nie takie proste jak myslisz.
I simply don't know what to do.
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Po prostu nie wiem co robic.
I haven't heard from him since he left.
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Nie mam wiadomosci od niego odkond wyjechal.
He sings in a band.
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On spiewa w zespole.
I'd like to book a single room for two nights.
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Chcialbym zarezerwowac pokuj jednoosobowy na dwie noce.
The dishes are in the sink.
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Naczynia som w zlewie.
Has your sister got a boyfriend?
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Czy twoja siostra ma chlopaka?
Come and sit here next to me.
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Chodz i usiondz tutaj obok mnie.
The situation is changing fast.
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Sytuacja szybko sie zmienia.
There are six people in the bus.
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Jest 6 osub w autobusie.
He retired at the age of sixty.
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On odszedl na emeryture w wieku szescdziesienciu lat.
What size are you?
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Jaki rozmiar nosisz?
We are looking for people with good communication skills.
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My szykamy ludzi z dobrom umiejentnosciom komunikacji.
One is for dry skin and the other for oily skin.
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Jeden jest do suchej skury drugi do tlustej.
She doesn't like skirts.
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Ona nie lubi spudnic.
Look at the sky.
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Spujrz na niebo.
Did you sleep well?
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Czy spales dobrze?
They showed us their slides.
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Oni pokazali nam swoje slajdy.
I noticed a slight improvement.
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Zauwarzylem lekkom poprawe.
He slipped on the ice.
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On poslizgnol sie na lodzie.
The floor was wet and slippery.
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Podloga byla mokra i slizga.
I gave up my seat to a woman with a small child.
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Ustompilem miejsca kobiecie z malym dzieckiem.
The dish smells delicious.
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Danie pachnie wysmienicie.
He gave me a gig smile.
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On dal mi durzy usmiech. usmiechnol sie do mnie szeroko.
Do you mind if I smoke?
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Czy nie bendzie ci przeszkadzac jesli zapale?
Now your skin is smooth.
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Teraz twoja skura jest gladka.
We stopped for a quick snack.
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My zatrzymalismy sie na szybkom przekonske.
It's been snowing since the morning.
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Snieg pada od rana.
I'll be on holiday so I won't be able to come.
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Bende na wakacjach wienc nie bende mugl przyjsc.
Wash your hands with soap.
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Umyj rence mydlem.
You should take part in social life.
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Ty powinienes brac udzial w rzyciu towarzyskim.
Our society isn't tolerant.
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Nasze spoleczenstwo nie jest tolerancyjne.
White socks get dirty easily.
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Biale skarpety latwo sie brudzom.
When I returned she was sleeping on the sofa.
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Gdy wrucilem ona spala na sofie.
Give me a soft pillow.
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Daj mi mienkkom poduszke.
Ten soldiers were killed and twenty wounded in action.
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10 rzolnierzy zostalo zabitych a 20 rannych w akcji.
That's not a good solution.
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To nie jest dobre rozwionzanie.
We have to solve this problem.
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My musimy rozwionzac ten problem.
They've been living here for some years.
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Oni majom tu zamieszkane od kilku lat.
Somebody came to see you.
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Ktos przyszedl sie z tobom zoaczyc.
We will manage somehow.
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Jakos damy rade.

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