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The thieves stole electronic equipment.
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Zlodzieje ukradli sprzend elektroniczny.
He has escaped from prison three times.
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On uciekl z wienzienia 3 razy.
Unemployment is quite high, especially in the countryside.
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Bezrobocie jest dosc wysokie zwlaszcza na wsi.
Japanese people like visiting European countries.
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Japonczycy lubiom odwiedzac europejskie kraje.
It has everything even a tennis court.
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To ma wszystko nawet kort tenisowy.
I'm staying at home this evening.
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Zostaje w domu w ten wieczur.
Have you ever been to Poland.
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Byles kiedykolwiek w Polsce.
She answered every question.
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Ona odpowiedziala na karzde pytanie.
Everybody knows him here.
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Wszyscy go tu znajom
Everyone was shocked by the news.
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Wszyscy byli zszokowani wiadomosciami.
Do you have everything?
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Czy masz wszystko?
I've looked for it everywhere.
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Ja mam przeszukane to wszedzie
There's no evidence that he killed her.
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Nie ma dowodu rze on jom zabil.
They can't tell good from evil.
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Oni nie potrafiom odrurznic dobra od zla.
That's exactly what I mean.
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Wlasnie to mam na mysli.
I passed my English exam.
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Zdalem egzamin z angielskiego.
You must be examined by a doctor.
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Ty musisz byc zbadany przez lekarza.
Could you give me an example?
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Czy muglbys dac me przyklad.
I like going to work.
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lubie chodzic do pracy.


beatajaniak wrote: 2016-08-11 22:44:00
Szok!!! Ile błędów!!!! proszę nie uczyć błędnie pisać wyrazów w języku polskim!!!!!!wstyd!!!!

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