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Question Answer
akcja rozgrywa sie w...
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the action is set in...
czy jestes gotowy zlozyc zamowienie
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are you ready to order
ksiazka zostala napisana przez
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the book was written by
obydwa teksty sa o
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both lettert are about
czy moge poprosic o deser
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can I have dessert, pleas
czy moge prosic o rachunek?
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Can I have the bill, pleas?
czy moge przyjac zamowienie
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can I take your order?
czy mozesz wyswiadczyc mi przysluge
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can you do me a favor
czy moglbys mi powiedziec jak
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could you tell me how to...?
czy masz cos przeciwko zebym...
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Do you mind if I...
przepraszam czy moge dostac glowne danie
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Excuse me, I can have the main course
czy kiedykolwiek byles w
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have you ever been to
on jest duzo starszy ode mnie
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he is much older than me
chce przeprosic
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he wants to apologize
on chce poprosic cie o pomoc
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He wants to ask you for help
on chce udzielic rady
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he wants to offer his advice
a moze by tak pojsc
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how about going...
jak sie czuje twoja mama
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How is your mother?
ile kosztuje ten telefon?
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how much is this phone?
nie moglbym sie bardziej z toba zgodzic
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I could not agree with you more
chcialbym zlozyc zazalenie
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I would like to make a complaint
chyba nie masz racji
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I don't think you are right
wolalbym isc spac
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I would rather go to sleep
gdybym byl na twoim miejscu
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if I were you
gdybym byl na woim miejscu, przyszedlbym
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if I were you I would come
jesli chcesz, mozemy
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If you want, we can
wydaje mi sie ze masz racje
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I guess you're right
nie mam pojecia
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I have no clue
przylaczylem sie do grupy 2 tygodnie temu
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I joined the group 2 weeks ago
najmniej podobala mi sie powiesc
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I liked the novel the least
najbardziej podobala mi sie fabula
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I liked the plot the most
zamierzam do niej zadzonic
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I'm going to call her
przykro mi jestem zajety
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I'm sorry, I'm busy
mysle o tym zey isc na zakupy
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I thinking about going shopping
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I have to/ i need to/i must
w pokoju znajduje sie
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in the room there are
mysle ze to dobry/zly pomysl
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I think it's a good / bad idea
mysle ze powinnismy pojsc do
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I think we should go to
to jest najlepsze na swiecie
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this is the best in the world
to bardzo wazne poniewaz
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this is very important because
zostal odwolany
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it was cancelled
zostal opozniony /przelozony
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it was deleyed/put off
nigdy nie byle w
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i've never been to
odwiedzilam/zwiedzilam w zeszlym tygodnu
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I visited last week
spacerowalem kiedy zobaczylem
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I was walked when I saw
poszedlem tam z...
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I went there with...
w zeszym roku pojechalismy na wycieczke ze zwiedzaniem
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last year we went on a sightseeing trip
daj mi znac jesli
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let me know if...
chodzmy do
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Let's go to
czy moge isc z toba
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may I go with you
okolica jest halasliwa
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the neighborhood is noisy
jedna zaleta jest to, ze
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one advantage is that
jedna wada jest to ze
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one disadvantage is that
to miejsce znajduje sie przy
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this place is located by
fabula opowiada o
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the plot tells the story of...
moze pojdziemy ...?
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shall will go ...?
bilet w jedna strone / powrotny do londynu prosze
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a single / returnticket to London please
tu nie wolno palic
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smoking isnt allowed
przepraszam -nic sie nie stalo
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sorry! - not at all
dziekuje -nie ma za co
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thank you, -dont mention it
w naszej szkole jest basen
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there is a pool in our school
oni sa rozni
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they are different
oni sa podobni
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they are similar
ten telewizor jest zepsuty
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this TV is broken
pociag odjezdza z peronu 8
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the train leaves the platform 8
wycieczka byla niesamowita
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the trip was amazing
co ona lubi
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what's she like
jak ona wyglanda
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what does she look like?
co twoim zdaniem powinienem zrobic
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what do you think I should do
jaki on jest
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what is he like
o czym on glownie mowi?
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what is he mainly talking about?
jaki rodzaj muzyki lubisz?
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what kind of music do you like?
co sadzisz o?
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What is your opinion about?
o ktorej odjezdza autobus
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what time does the bus leave
kiedy przyszli wszyscy goscie, zjedlismy obiad
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When all the guests came, we had dinner
gdzie polozyles swoja walizke?
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where did you put your suitcase?
skad odjezdza pociag?
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where does the train leave from?
gdzie powinnismy usiasc
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where shall we sit
moze poszlibtsmy do?
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why dont we go to?
czy chcialbys cos do picia
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Would you like anything to drink
czy chcialbys sie przylaczyc do nas?
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would you like to join us?
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You could...

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