sf 8

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wzmocnienie personelu i jakis rzeczy
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augment them
oswiadczenie dla prasy
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press release
sztuki walki
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warfighting skills
ćwiczenia międzynarodowe
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combined exercise
cwiczenia roznych rodzajow wojsk
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combined armo exercise
cwiczenia roznych rodzajow sil zbrojnych
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joint exercise
cwiczenia na poligonie
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field training exercise
cwiczenia z amunicja bojowa
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live fiering exercise
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zdolnosci dowodzenia
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hq ability to command
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przypisanie do
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assigned to
utrzymac wysoką gotowość
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to maintean hight rediness
zabrane beda dane personalne
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'personal data will be taken
zapraszamy prase do relacjonowania manewrów
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the press are invited to cover the exercise
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land carrying equippment
zaznaczylem to czarnym kolkiem
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i maked it with a black circle
czy wymagacie pisemnego potwierdzenia?
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Do you requair a written confirmation
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bedziemy musieli polegac na ich hojnosci
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we'll have to rely on their generosity
zakwaterowanie bedzie sie skladac ze wspolnych dziesiecioosobowych izb zolnierskich
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accommodation will consist of shared ten-man barracks rooms
nie powinniscie przewozic cennych rzeczy
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valuable items should not be taken / brought
na nocnej zmianie
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on night chift
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rest and recuperation
nie zachecamy do noszenia telefonow komorkowych
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carrying mobile telephones is discouraged
lista nazwisk
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a nominal rafl
wedle waszego uznania
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at your discretion
wypelnic formularz
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to fill in / complete a form
nie musicie zostawac na lunch
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you are not required to stay for lunch
wziac udzial w briefingu
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to attend a briefing
zastrzezone dokumenty zostawicie u mnie
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leave the classified documents with me
przebierzcie sie w cywilne ubranie
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change into civilian clothes
proszę czestujcie sie ciastkami
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please help yourselves with the cakes
pan pozwoli, że poniose panu teczke
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let me carry the briefcase for you
odniesc sie do czegos
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to refer to sth
wprowadzac dane z komputera
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to feed data into computer
jak dlugo bedzie trwal briefing
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how long will the briefing last
strescic glowne punkty
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to summarize the key points
podkreslic najwazniejsze rzeczy
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to emphasize the most important points
te cwiczenia sa jedyne w swoim rodzaju
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this exercise is unique
ich misja jest przywrocenie miedzynarodowej granicy miedzy
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their mission is to restore international border between
podzielilem te odprawe na cztery czesci
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i have divided this briefing into four parts
jesli macie jakies pytania prosze przerywac bez wahania
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if you have any questions please fill free to interrupt me
celem tej odprawy jest
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the purpose of this briefing is to
zaczne od wymieniania krajow uczestniczacych
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i'll begin with listing the participating nations
na tym koniec odprawy
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this concludes my brefing
przejdzmy teraz do szczegolow szkolenia wojskowego
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now move on to the military training in detail
prosze zwrocic uwage na dwie rzeczy, ktorych nie powinniscie ze soba zabierac
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please note tho things you should not take with you

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