SEW3, 03.02.2016

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szczerze, naprawdę
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straight up
spotkać się
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meet, met, met
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sleigh ride
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buy bought bought
Spotkaliśmy się.
start learning
We met.
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We were drinking.
Niektórzy wypili za dużo.
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Some of us drank too much.
Graliśmy w pokera.
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We were playing poker.
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We lost.
zawołać, krzyknąć na kogoś
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to call
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wake up, woke up, woken up
Jezdzilismy na nartach.
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We were skiing.
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te zdjęcia
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these photos htm
start learning htm
Mam dwa króliki. Króliki są czarne.
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I have two rabbits. The rabbits are black.
Króliki są bardzo miłe.
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Rabbits are very nice.
Wielka Brytania, Stany Zjednoczone
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The UK, The USA
Bogaci są szczęśliwi.
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The rich are happy.
Mieszkam na południu Polski.
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I live in the south of Poland.
Człowiek (któego) kocham.
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The man I love
On powiedział (że) mu się to podoba.
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He said he liked it.
przedłużone spotkanie
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prolonged meeting
umówiona/określona data
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fixed date
wysłąny mail
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sent email
niedokończony raport
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unfinished report
wprowadzone dane
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entered data
naprawiony motoreduktor
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repaired gearmotor
podpisany dokument
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signed document
obniżona cena
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reduced price
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burn burnt burnt
wypalony dysk
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burnt disc
popełnione błędy
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the mistakes made
spełnione wymagania
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fulfilled requirements
zrelaksowany pracownik
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relaxed worker
wkurzony szef
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irritated / annoyed boss
wkurzający szef
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annoying boss
Masz przerąbane.
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You're screwed. / You're done.

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