SEW 30.04.2014

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łapiesz to?
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Do you get it?
nie kumam tego.
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I don’t get it.
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I get it.
nie załapałe/am
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I didn’t get it.
rozumiem, ‘mam to’
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I got it.
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Ben do mnie dzwonił.
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Ben called me.
Wysłałem jej maila.
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I sent her an email.
popełnić błąd
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to make a mistake
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Przejdźmy do rzeczy.
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Let’s get to the point!
Przejdźmy do interesów.
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Let’s get down to business.
Zabierzmy się do pracy.
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Let’s get down to work.
See It
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get on
Let's get on to the next item of the agenda.
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Let’s get on to the next item of the agenda.
kiedy wracam do domu...
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When I come back home...
w pracy / w domu
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at work / at home
prowadzić spotkania
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to hold meetings
muszę  musiałe/am
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must  had to
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myślę, że
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I think that...
Będę ‘dawał prezentację’ w przyszłym tygodniu.
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I will give a presentation next week.
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to ssume
to może być użyte przez wszystkich
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it can be used by everybody
chcę powiedzieć, że
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I want to say that
To ma wpływ na naszą pensję.
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It has an influence on our salary.
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work out
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to last
Spotkanie trwało godzinę.
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The meeting lasted 1 hour.
I am impressed with his enthusiasm.
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I am impressed with his enthusiasm.
Jestem pod wrażeniem jego entuzjazmu.
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to adjust
Nie dostosuję się.
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I won’t adjust.
Dostosuję się.
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I’ll adjust.
On to bierze do siebie.
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He takes it personally.
jestem pewien
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I’m sure = I’m certain = I’m positive
Mam dyżur.
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I am on duty.
“Wrócę do ciebie” z tą sprawą.
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I’ll get back to you on that.

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