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Question Answer
jak masz na imię?
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what's your name?
mam na imie patrycja
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my name is Patrycja
jak sie masz
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how are you
dzien dobry
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good morning
dzień dobry po 12
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Good aftenroon
dobry wieczór
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Good evening.
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Good night.
do widzenia
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Hello! / Hi!
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start learning
thank you
miło mi cię poznać
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nice to meet you
jak literujesz swoje imię?
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how to spell something your name?
jak literujesz swoje nazwisko?
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how to spell something in your name?
ja jestem
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I am
ty jesteś
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you are
ona jest
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she is
on jest
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he is
ono jest
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It is
my jesteśmy
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we are
wy jesteście
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you are
oni są
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They are
to jest moja koleżanka
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This is my friend

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