prepositions idioms

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People like that are a dime a dozen
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Takich ludzi jest niewielu
back on feet
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powrot do czegos
call it a day
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zakończyć pracę
drama queen
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zbyt emocjonalna
my efforts fell short
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moje wysiłki na nic
piece of cake
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coś łatwego, "bułka z masłem"
hang in there
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trzymaj sie
We will wrap this up now
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Zakonczymy to
keep the straight face
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zachować powagę
what are you on about?
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o co ci chodzi?
lighten up
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zrelaksowac sie
up for grabs
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do zgarnięcia
make a beeline for
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udac sie prosto do
goes with the flow
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idzie z prądem
rubs the wrong way
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irytuje mnie
be in the doghouse
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być w niełasce
fetch up to
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put up for auction
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wystawiona na aukcji
offered at auction
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Oferowany na aukcji
at a church fete
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na odpust
memorabilia to come to the market
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pamiątki przyjść na rynek
refers to
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odnosi się do
make out of exasperation
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zrobić z irytacją
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set up for
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przygotowywac sie do
impressed with something
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pod wrażeniem czegoś

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