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zadowolony z
start learning
satisfied with
niezadowolony z czegoś, kogoś
start learning
dissatisfied with something, someone
świadomy czegoś
świadomy potencjalnego ryzyka
start learning
aware of something.
I'm aware of potential risk.
nieświadomy czegoś
start learning
unaware of something
odpowiedzialny za kogoś/coś
start learning
responsible for someone / something.
I'm responsible for supervising my students' works.
odpowiadać przed kimś, podlegać komuś
start learning
responsible to somebody.
I am responsible to the Dean.
na stanie, na magazynie
start learning
in stock
uczulony na
start learning
allergic to
przepraszać za
start learning
apologize for
W wieku... lat
start learning
At the age of ...,
być zadłużonym
start learning
be in debt
obwiniać, winić za
start learning
blame for
start learning
must / have to - had to - had to
zaznajomiony z
start learning
be familiar with the
I'm familiar with the project. I read it several times
przez przypadek
start learning
by a chance, by accident
narzekać na
start learning
complain about
start learning
nadzorca, kierownik
start learning
podziwiać za
start learning
admire for
start learning
patient / impatient
mieć coś wspólnego z
start learning
have something in common with
These factors don't have antyhing in common.
do poniedziałku, do końca miesiąca
start learning
by Monday, by the end of the month
uzyskiwać informacje
start learning
obtain information
wydajność, efektywność
start learning
kłaść nacisk na, akcentować, podkreślać
start learning
emphasize something / put emphasis on something
I emphasize the importance of this project. I put an emphasis on the cooperation in a team.
Martwię się o ciebie.
start learning
I'm worried about you.
podziwiać kogoś za
start learning
admire for...
I admire my husband for being patient with our kids.
w dzisiejszych czasach, obecnie
start learning
nowadays, now,
obarczony błędem
start learning
vitiated by an error
trudność, wiele trudności
start learning
difficulty / many difficulties
start learning
difficult - more difficult- the most difficult

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