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bać się (kogo, czego)
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to be afraid of, to fear
badać, zbadać sprawę
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to investigate a case, to inquire into a case
badanie broni palnej
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examination of firearms
badanie działa
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examination of a body
badanie DNA
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DNA profiling, analysis
badanie dokumentów
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examination of documents
badanie dotykiem, rewidowanie
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Body check, searching
badanie genetyczne
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genetic testing
badanie krwii
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blood test
badanie lekarskie
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medical examination
badanie miejsce zdarzenia
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examination of the scene
badanie pojazdu
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vehicle inspection
badanie przestępstw
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analysis of crimes
badanie przez osobę tej samej płci
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search by a person of the same sex
badanie przyczyn wypadku
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investigation into the causes of an accident
badanie techniczne
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overhaul, technical inspection
badanie tożsamości
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verification of identity, establishing of identity
badanie spalin
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exhaust emission test
badanie świateł
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light test
badanie wniosku o azyl
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examination of an asylum application
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boot, trunk
bak, zbiornik paliwa
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petrol tank
balansować między pasami ruchu
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to switch the lanes
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to bandage
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bandit, thug, robber, mugger, gangster
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banditry, banditism
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banknot fałszywy
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counterfeit (false) banknote
banknot podrobiony
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forged banknote
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cash machine, ATM, cash dispenser
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railing, barrier
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to bar, to block, to barricade, to bolt
barykadować się
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to barricade oneself
barwnik do odbitek palców
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fingerprint ink (dye)
baza danych
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data base
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beastly, bestial, brutal, savage, atrocious
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bezdomna, bezdomny (o osobie)
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impunity, exemption from punishment
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unpunished, exempt from punishment
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stateless persons
bezpieczeństwo pożarowe
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fire safety
bezpieczeństwo publiczne
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Public Safety
bezpieczeństwo w ruchu drogowym
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road traffic safety
bezpieczeństwo ruchu powietrznym
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air traffic safety
bezpieczeństwo w ruchu wodnym
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water traffic safety
bezpieczeństwo własne policjanta
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police officer's safety
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safe, secure
bezpieczny kraj pochodzenia
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safe country of origin
bezpieczny kraj trzeci
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safe third country
bezpośrednie zagrożenie dla życia i zdrowia
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imminent danger to life and health
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lawlessness, illegallity, abuse of authority
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illegally, illicitly, lawlessly
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illegal, illicit, unlawful, lawless, wrongful
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unemployed/out of work, jobless
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ruthless, cruel
bezzasadne podejrzenia
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groundless suspicion
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unfounded, groundless, unjustified
bezzasadny zarzut
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groundless demur, objection
biała broń
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edge weapon, Cold Steel
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beat, trash, strike, hit
bić się (z Kim)
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fight, scuffle
bieg wsteczny w samochodzie
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reverse gear
biegły kryminalistyk
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forensic expert (scientist, examiner)
biegły sądowo-ekarski
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court appointed forensic medicine expert
bierna funkcja prewencyjna
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passive preventive function
bierny opór
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passive resistance
bieżnik opony
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tyre tread
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brawl, fight
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illicitly distilled alcohol, bootleg alcohol, bushbrandy, moonshine,
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illicit distilling of alcohol
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illicit distiller of alcohol, bootlegger
biuro informacji toksykologicznej
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toxicological information centre
biuro międzynarodowej współpracy policji
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International Criminal Police Organization
biuro ochrony rządu-BOR
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government security bureau
biuro urząd policji europejskiej-Europol
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European police office-Europol
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auto body mechanic (repairer), panel beater, tinsmith, a tinman
blankiet recepty
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prescription form
bliski krewny
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next of kin, close relative, a near relation
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bloczek mandatowy
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ticket book
blokada centralna zamka
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central door locking
blokada drogi
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Road blocade, roadblock
blokada kierownicy
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steering lock, immobilizer
blokować, zablokować (co)
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block, blockade
blokada policyjna
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police blockade
blokować, zablokować pas ruchu
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block the lane
blondyn, blondynka
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blond, fair-haired person
błąd co do okoliczności
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error as to the circumstances
błąd co do osoby
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mistaken identity, error as to the person
błąd co do prawa
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error of law
błąd co do społecznego niebezpieczeństwa czynu
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error as to the socially dangerous character of a deed
błąd co do stanu faktycznego
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error as to the established facts
błąd faktyczny
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error of fact, mistake of fact
błąd istotny
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material (cardinal, fundamental) error
błąd niezawiniony
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non-culpable error
błąd wywołany podstępem
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error by deceit, error deceitfully induced
błędna decyzja
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wrong decision
błona fotograficzna
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photographic film
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mudguard, wing, fender
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fighting squad, storming party
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member of fighting squad
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whiskers, sideburns / sideboards
bomba domowej produkcji
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home-made bomb
bomba z opóźnionym zapłonem
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delayed action bomb
baba zapalająca
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bomba zegarowa
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time bomb
BOR-biuro ochrony rządu
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Government Security Bureau
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affray, brawl, public fight
ból w okolicy serca
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pain in the heart region
brać, wziąć na cel
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to aim at, to point the gun at
brać, wziąć na świadka
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to summon as a witness, to call as a witness, to call in testimony
brać, wziąć udział
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to be involved, to take part, to participate
brać, wziąć w obronę
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to defend
brać, wziąć zakładników
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to take hostage
brak oznakowania
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no marking
bramka kontrolna (screeningowa)
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security gate, walkthrough scanner
bratobójca, bratobójczyni
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fratricide, murderer of one's brother
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broda- zarost
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broda cofnięta
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receding chin
broda prostokątna
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chin of rectangular shape
broda spiczasta
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pointed chin
broda trójkątna
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chin of triangular shape
broda wysunięta do przodu
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protruding chin
broda z bruzdą
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chin with a furrow
broda z dołeczkiem
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dimpled chin
bronić, obronić (kogo)
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to defend, to protect, to guard
bronić, obronić się
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to defend oneself, to protect oneself
broń automatyczna
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automatic weapon
broń biała
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edged weapon
bronie dozwolona
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admissible weapon
broń gazowa
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gas gun
broń gładkolufowa
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broń krótka
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broń miotająca
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broń myśliwska
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broń nieautomatyczna
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non-automatic weapon
broń palna
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firearms, gun
broń policyjna
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police gun
broń ręczna
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broń służbową
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service pistol
broń zakazana
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forbidden weapon
"brudna robota"
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job, bent job
"brudne pieniądze"
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dirty money
brunet, brunetka
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brunette, dark (black)-haired man (person)
brutalna napaść
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brutal assault (attack)
brutalna przemoc
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brutal violence, force
brutalne pobicie
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brutal battery, (beating)
brutalne postępowanie
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Rough handling
brutalne zachowanie
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violent behavior, heavy-handed behavior
brutalne zgwałcenie
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brutal rape
brutalny człowiek
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Brutal person
brwi cienkie
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thin eyebrows
brwi grube
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thick eyebrows
brwi krzaczaste
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bushy eyebrows
brwi łukowate
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arched eyebrows
brwi proste
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straight eyebrows
brwi skośne
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slanting eyebrows
brwi zrośnięte
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meeting eyebrows
budowa ciała
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physique, build, general build, constitution
budzić, wzbudzić podejrzenie
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to arouse suspicion
budzić, wzbudzić wątpliwość
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to raise doubt
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riot, mutiny, rebellion, sedition
buntować, zbuntować (kogo)
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to instigate to insubordination, to incite to revolt, to stir up
buntować, zbuntować się
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to revolt, to rebel
buntownik, buntowniczka
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rebel, rioter, mutineer
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brothel, whorehouse
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być agresywnym (wobec kogo)
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to be aggressive (violent, abusive) (towards somebody)
być aresztowanym z uwagi (na co)
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to be arrested for
być na wolności
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to be at large, to be on the loose, to be free
być na przepustce z więzienia
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to be out of prison on license (leave)
być narażonym (na co)
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to be at risk, to be exposed to danger
być nieostrożny
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to be careless
być niesprawnym (o człowieku)
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to be handicapped, to be inefficient
być niesprawnym (o urządzeniu)
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to be out of order, to be inefficient
być nietrzeźwym
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to be intoxicated, to be drunk, to be unsober
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inebriated, unsober
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być nieuczciwym (wobec kogo)
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to be dishonest (with somebody)
być nieuprawnionym (do czego)
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to be unauthorized (to something)
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być nieuprawnionym do prowadzenia pojazdu
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to be unqualified for driving
być niewinnym
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to be innocent (not guilty)
być nosicielem wirusa HIV
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to be HIV positive
być obserwowanym
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to be watched, to be under surveillance
być ogłuszonym
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to be stunned, to be knocked senseless
być ostrożnym
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to be careful
być pijanym
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to be drunk
być po spożyciu alkoholu
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to have been drinking
być pod wpływem alkoholu
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to be under the influence of alcohol
być pod wpływem narkotyku
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to be under the influence of a drug, to be on drugs
być pogryzionym przez psa
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to be bitten by a dog
być potrącone przez samochód
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to be run over
być trzeźwym
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to be sober
być szantażowany
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to be blackmailed
być ubranym ubranym po cywilnemu
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in plain clothes
być uwikłanym (w co)
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to be involved, to be entangled (in something)
być uzbrojony w broń białą
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to be armed with an edged weapon

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