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start learning
nie rozumiem wszystkiego co mowisz start learning
I do not understand everything you say
start learning
start learning
Could you speak more slowly?
moglabys mowic wyrazniej? start learning
Could you speak more clearly?
dopiero ucze sie angielskiego start learning
Just learning English only
chcialabym pracowac wiecej start learning
I would like to work more
start learning
gdzie jest najblizszy przystanek? start learning
where is the closest bus stop?
czy dojade tym autobusem - pociagiem do... start learning
or get it on the bus - train to...
czy jest z tad bezposredni dojazd do... start learning
whether it is from here direct access to the...
o ktorej godzinie zaczynamy i konczymy prace? start learning
about an hour of which start and finish work?
start learning
whether there are any days off?
Dzien Dobry. Przyszlam w sprawie pracy. start learning
Good afternoon. On future work.
szukam pracy, macie panstwo wolny etat? start learning
looking for a job, you have free time?
moge pracowac jako pokojowka, pomoc kuchenna, na produkcji, w sklepie- jako obsluga lub wykladac towar. start learning
I work as a maid, kitchen help, to production, vaulted as service or Topping merchandise.
lubie sport. Czesto biegam, plywam i krece hula hop. start learning
I like sports. Often running, swimming and twirling hula hoops.
start learning
mam dwadziescia szesc lat start learning
lubie wczesnie rano wstawac start learning
I like to get up early in the morning
jem cztery posilki dziennie start learning
start learning
lubie wychodzic z ukochanym i znajomymi na imprezy start learning
I like to go out with loved ones and friends for events
mam nadzieje ze nasza współpraca bedzie ukladala sie pomyslnie start learning
I hope that our cooperation will be planned to successfully
start learning
chciałabym wynająć mieszkanie w chichester start learning
I would like to rent an apartment in chichester
chcialabym wynajac pokoj w chichester start learning
I would like to rent a room in chichester
ile kosztuje wynajem pokoju? start learning
how much it cost to rent a room?
ile kosztuje wynajem mieszkania? start learning
how much it cost to rent an apartment?
czy jak mam kontrakt z agencja moge wynajac mieszkanie? start learning
and as I have a contract with the agency I rent an apartment?
ile pokoi jest w mieszkaniu? start learning
how many rooms are in the apartment?
szukam mieszkanie jednopokojowego start learning
I am looking for a one-bedroom apartment
start learning
do pracy jadę swoim autem start learning
I am going to work in his car
ile jest przerw w pracy i ile trwaja? start learning
how many breaks and how much been going?
od kiedy moglabym zaczac prace? start learning
since when could I start work?
jestem w pelni dyspozycyjna, moge zaczac od zaraz start learning
I am fully available any, I can start right away
chce pracowac i zyc w anglii, bardzo mi sie tu podoba, jest lepiej niz w polsce start learning
want to work and live in England, I loved being here is better than in Poland
chcialabym uczyc sie angielskiego, podstawy juz troche znam start learning
I would like to learn English, I know some basics already
ucze sie angielskiego w domu start learning
Just learning English at home
juz wracam do domu, bylam na zakupach start learning
already back home, I was out shopping
bylam dzis dluzej w pracy start learning
today I was at work longer
nigdy sie nie spozniam do pracy start learning