Piotrek 22nd Feb 2016

 0    11 flashcards    pkempkiewicz
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Question Answer
jeździć na nartach
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to ski
grać w gry komputerowy
start learning
to play computer games
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an Italian dish consisting of small balls of potato mixed with flour and boiled, usually eaten with a sauce
Kto do ciebie przyszedł?
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Who came to your place?
walczyć o coś
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to fight FoR sth
bać się coś zrobić
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to be afraid to do sth
Nagroda Nobla
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Nobel Prize
on zadał pytanie
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he asked a question
wsiąść do autobusu
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to get on the bus
zadzwonić do kogoś
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to call sb
na przystanku
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at a bus stop

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