phrasal verbs gethin 3

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run through
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to spend or use a lot of money in a short period of time
throw over
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get sth over (with)
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raz na zawsze z czyms skonczyc
see through sb/sth
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nie dac sie wprowadzic w blad / przejrzec koogos badz czyjes zamiary
go through
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przechodzic przez jakis etap / przebrnac / suffer
be through with
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have enough - skonczyc cos
make over
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przeniesc wlasnosc na kogos / zapisac komus majatek
blow over
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przycichnac ("was soon forgotten")
get over
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recover from (otrzasnac sie z czegos)
tide sb over
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to help someone to work or operate normally through a difficult period, usually by lending them money
think over
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carefully consider
talk over
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obgadać (discuss)
win over
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gain the support of sb (pozyskiwac kogos do jkaiegos celu)
fall through
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nie udac sie / spleznac na niczym
take over
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gain control of sth (przejac kierownictwo)
go through with sth
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dobrnac z czyms do konca / przemeczyc sie (z czyms)
build up
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develop (the business from the scratch)
pick up
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improve / aquire
set up
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put up
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hold up
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draw up
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sporzadzic(umowe, liste)
snap up
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buy sth at once / rzucac sie na cos
do up
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take up
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occupy - zajmowac
bring up
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wywolac temat / zglaszac jakas sprawe
run up
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accumulate (a lot of debts)
land up
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skonczyc gdzies (find ourselves in the bankruptcy)
look up
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make up for
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compensate for / nadrabiac, wynagradzac
(get) worked up
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emocjonowac sie / wsciekac / get excited over very little
pull up
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zatrzymać się, stop
beat up
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assult (poturbowac kogos, uderzyc silnie raniac)
have sb up
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prosecute - to take someone to court for a trial
put up with sth
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look up to sb
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to admire and respect someone
be up to something
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t behoves someone to do something -It is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something
stand up for
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make it up
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become reconciled
give up
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poddać się
blow up
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severly reprimed sb / stracic panowanie nad soba, wybuchnac
size up
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form an opinion about sth
make up
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fantazjowac, tworzyc historie
own up to
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