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kostka mydła
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a bar of soap
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a bit/ an item/ a piece of advice
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a bit/ an item/ a piece of information
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a bit/ an item/ a piece of news
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a bit, an item, a piece of furniture
butelka piwa
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bottle of beer
karton mleka
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carton of milk
ząbek czosnku
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a clove of gaarlic
filiżanka kawy
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cup of coffee
odrobina oleju
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a drop of oil
kieliszek wina
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glass of wine
ziarnko piasku
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grain of sand
bochenek chleba
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a loaf of bread
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a pane of glass
kawałek sera
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piece of cheese
słoik dżemu
start learning
a jar of jam
kartka papieru
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a sheet of paper
kromka chleba
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slice of bread
puszka pomidorów
start learning
a tin of tomatoes
tubka pasty do zębów
start learning
a tube of toothpaste

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