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mieszkać, rozwodzić się nad czymś start learning
feeling miserable and dwelling on my low self-esteem felt so familiar that it was usually easier to remain in a state of contraction and fear.
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My breathing would be shallow and I would pace around the house, unable to relax.
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I was using my energy to say no to life, even though this was completely contrary to everything I had learned as a disciple.
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Before I could really say yes to life, with its myriad of challenges, I had to accept my negative feelings.
w gorączce, w wirze czegość start learning
I was in the throes of darkness.
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When I acknowledged and accepted what I was truly feeling, the dam inside of me finally burst open
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grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
wsiadać na statek; przedsiębrać start learning
This was the beginning of my healing journey, one which I had to embark on alone.
pozwalać sobie na coś, dogadzać sobie start learning
I could easily have indulged the victim in me, using the drama of my disease to manipulate them to stay with me
zdrowe zmysły, zdrowie psychiczne start learning
Although I felt that I was finally approaching a place of sanity regarding my condition, I knew that the people around me would consider it madness.
jeśli o to chodzi, biorąc pod uwagę start learning
I have a question regarding your earlier comments.
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Surrendering to death is something our society regards as unacceptable.
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I had been merely a witness to their transition from this life to the next.
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Even though I felt sad at my own loss, I was very happy for him.
bliski, rychły, nieuchronny start learning
There were times when my imminent death felt like a welcome relief from a life of pain and rejection.
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The game is designed for anyone who wants to build confidence and overcome fear of rejection.
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Then, after I reached a certain level of weariness regarding my resentment, resistance, and denial, the reality of the disease touched me in a brand-new way
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weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep
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When I embraced the fact that my immune system was slowly failing me, and that I would die in eighteen months or less, the illusion of living forever...
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Yet even while I was lost in a whirlwind of fear, a quiet almost imperceptible voice reminded me, “Stay open".
niezauważalny, niedostrzegalny start learning
We all missed the imperceptible shake of his head as he tried to warn us.
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When I really got it in my guts that each day that passed would never return, something shifted inside of me.
zaprzeczenie, odmowa, wyparcie się start learning
I could recognize all my subpersonalities and their conflicts – my judgmental self was battling with the fragmented part of me that was in denial.
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I was acutely aware that I had a finite number of days remaining on this earth (as we all do), and chose to reprioritize my life accordingly.
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I no longer needed to cling to them as part of my identity, which had been built on so much unfinished business.
ogromny, straszny, wspaniały start learning
Even though the pain and discomfort of my body did not go away, my spirit was dancing with tremendous joy and the love of life
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Because I finally accepted the unacceptable, I was able to detach from my worries and concerns.
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I also made a point to maintain an impeccable appearance. I did not want to look the part of a sick person at this early stage.
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Accomplishing my three daily goals gave me that feeling, and as a result the quality of my sleep each night was much more nourishing.
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I no longer imposed impossible challenges on myself, only to become discouraged when I was unable to fulfill them.
prawość, uczciwość, integralność start learning
For years, I had thought of “integrity” as synonymous with “self-criticism.”
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So the idea of integrity and the feeling of being chastised, by both myself and others, always seemed to be intertwined.
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