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pobrac wymaz sluzowki policzkow
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collect buccal smear
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postepowanie sadowe synonim pol.
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postepowwnie jurysdykcyjne
przepis ustawy pod ktora dany czyn podpada
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statutory provision which creates the offence
wlasciwosc miejscowa i rzeczowa sadu
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territorial and subject matter jurisdiction of the court
Criminal Procedure Rules Uk
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Reguly postepowania karnego
order a retrial
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skierowac sprawe do ponownego rozpoznaniaUs
criminal complaint US
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skarga karna
accusatory pleading US (misdemeanors)
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pismo oskarzycielskie (wystepkow dotyczy)
znikoma szkodliwosc spoleczna czynu
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insignificant social consequences
okolicznosc wylaczajaca sciganie
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circumstance precluding prosecution
hearing on the merits
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judicial examination
judicial review
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kontrola sadowa
decision not to prosecute
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decyzja o zaniechaniu scigania
susceptible to judicial review
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podlega kontroli sadowej
fail to act in accordance with the policy
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nie postepowac zgodnie z wytycznymi
insist on the case proceeding
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zadac kontynuowania postepowania
false accusations
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nieprawdziwe zarzuty
trivial nature of the offence
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blachosc czynu
formal statement
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oficjalne oswiadczenie
part (w kodeksach)
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kary porzadkowe
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disciplinary penalties
czlonek spoleczenstwa
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member of the public
list zelazny
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safe conduct order
list gonczy
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wanted notice
indictable offences
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przestepstwa publicznoskargowe
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apprehension, citizen's arrest
zatrzymanie wlasciwe
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police arrest
uzasadnione przypuszczenie
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reasonable grounds to believe
zatrzec slady przestepstwa
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remove evidence of an offence
legalnosc zatrzymania
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lawfulness of arrest
protokol zatrzymania
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report of arrest
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material dowodowy dopuszczalny w sadzie
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admissible evidence
warrant of arrest
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nakaz zatrzymania
power of arrest
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prawo do dokonania zatrzymania
lawful arrest
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legalne zatrzymania
hinder the prosecution
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utrudnic prowadzenie scigania
probable cause
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wystarczajacy material dowodowy
USA investigative detention
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zatrzymanie w celach sledczych
Police and Criminal Evidence Act UK
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Ustawa o policji i dowodach w sprawach karnych
attempted involvement
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usilowanie wziecia udzialu w przestepstwie
suspected involvement
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podejrzenie wziecia udzialu w przestepstwie
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identity parade? lineup
deny bail to a suspect
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justify an arrest
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uzasadnic dokonanie aresztowania
stop and frisk
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zatrzymanie w celach sledczych
arresting officer
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funkcjonariusz dokonujacy zatrzymania
pre_trial detention
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tymczasowe aresztowanie
professional conduct
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etyka zawodowa
skladac wnioski o dokonanie czynnosci sledztwa lub dochodzenia
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request that specific investigations or enquiries be undertaken
koszty obrony procesowej
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tamowac przesluchanie
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naruszenie nietykalnosci cielesnej
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transgression of the bodily integrity
przestrzegac zasad wiedzy medycznej
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observe medical rules

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