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The man goes to bed but cannot sleep because he is so terrified.
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bać się czegoś
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be fearful of
After dressing he drives very cautiously to work fearful of a collision.
zatrucie pokarmowe
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food poisoning
He doesn't eat lunch because he is scared of food poisoning.
wzdrygać się, zrywać się
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He jumps at every noise, starts at every movement and hides under his desk.
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Upon walking in his front door, he finds his wife.
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He proclaims, "I've just had the worst day of my entire life!"
paść martwym
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drop dead
The milkman dropped dead on the doorstep this morning."
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only to have their conversation continually interrupted by people asking the doctor for free medical advice.
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only to have their conversation continually interrupted by people asking the doctor for free medical advice.
sfrustrowany, poirytowany
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What do you do to prevent people from asking you for legal advice away from the office?"
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"What do you do to prevent people from asking you for legal advice away from the office?
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away from
What do you do to prevent people from asking you for legal advice away from the office?
wystawić rachunek; rachunek
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"I give it to them and then bill them the next day."
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give it a try
The doctor was surprised, but thought that he would give it a try.
wystawić (rachunek)
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make out
He made out bills for the various individuals who had peppered him for advice,
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bombardować, zasypywać, zarzucać
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He made out bills for the various individuals who had peppered him for advice.
po otwarciu
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upon opening
czekać, oczekiwać
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Imagine his shock upon opening the mailbox, only to find a bill awaiting him from the lawyer.
tam i z powrotem
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back and forth
Yesterday I was moving to my new flat at the other end of the building. So I had to walk back and forth to transfer all my stuff along the corridor all day.
zacofany kraj
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backward country
I always thought Bulgaria was a backward country, however, I was positively surprised when I first went to see the country.
worki pod oczami
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bags under one’s eyes
I was preparing a presentation for today’s meeting and didn’t have time to sleep at all. So I am really tired and have awful bags under my eyes.
być nikim
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be a nobody
I feel like I am a nobody whenever I talk to him.
idealnie pasować do czegoś
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be a perfect match for something
I think Sam is a perfect match for the role.
być narzędziem w czyichś rękach
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be a tool in somebody’s hands
Sarah is just a tool in his hands, she can’t make any decisions on her own.
promieniować uśmiechem
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be all smiles
She is always all smiles. It’s a pleasure to have her around.
mieć dwie lewe ręce
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be all thumbs
I am useless at all arts and crafts. I am all thumbs.
nie wiedzieć, co zrobić
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be at a loss what to do
She got accepted into both Oxford and Cambridge and is really at a loss what to do. They are both amazing universities.
nie wiedzieć, co zrobić
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be at one’s wits’ end
I feel like I’m at my wits’ end.
wrócić do punktu wyjścia
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be back to square one
My last idea for the project was not accepted. I put so much work into it and now I am back at square one. I hate starting all over again with the project. It will take ages.
szukać nowej pracy
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be between jobs
I am currently between jobs and have quite a lot of time on my hands.
być ślepym na coś
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be blind to something
She is totally blind to what he’s really like.
mieć coś zrobić
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be due to do something
I am due to hand in the paper tomorrow.
marzyć o czymś
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be dying for something
It’s absolutely boiling in here. I am simply dying for a glass of ice cold water!
spodziewać się dziecka
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be expecting a baby
Anna has worked all through her pregnancy. She is expecting a baby in January so she will be leaving work soon I suppose.
rozbić namiot
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pitch a tent
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It's quite likely there are some planets like earth out there.
wziąć urlop
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taka a leave
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powiesić, zawisnąć
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I hung upside down on the ceiling and made funny noises.
do góry nogami
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upside down
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light bulb
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You are clearly stressed out. Go home and recuperate for a couple of days"
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stressed out
wyzdrowieć, odzyskać siły
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You are clearly stressed out. Go home and recuperate for a couple of days
po ciemnku
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in the dark
kłopoty, trudy
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Three older ladies were discussing the travails of getting older
włączyć się (do rozmowy)
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chime in
The second lady chimed in,
pukać, stukać
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she rapped her knuckles on the table.

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