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to have the right attitude
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иметь правильное отношение
these particular words
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эти конкретные слова
incredibly fast-paced
tech industry is incredibly fast-paced
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невероятно быстро развивающаяся
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to help and guide the user
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чтобы помочь и направить пользователя
ok, the time is up
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хорошо, время вышло
when this job appeared
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когда появилась эта работа
to hire
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not many companies hire ux writers
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ясно = понятно
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краткий (advanced) = короткий
encounter = come across
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столкнуться, встретить, наткнуться
encounter a bug
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столкнуться с ошибкой
encounter a problem
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столкнуться с проблемой
encounter an issue
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столкнуться с проблемой
do the job well
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делать работу хорошо
Whan they are doing their job well, you don’t even notice it.
pull up the page (site)
= open a page
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подтянуть (открыть) страницу (сайт)
to resume
you can resume it after you have read it
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= very popular these days
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digital ledger
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цифровая книга
=бухгалтерская книжка,
= bookkeeping book, =digital accounting book
=extremely =absolutely
Donald Tramp hugely loves this word ‘hugely’
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these days
= nowadays = currently
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В эти дни, в настоящее время
expand you vocabulary
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расширить свой словарный запас
= tech industry
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In a nutshell
= in short
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В двух словах
variety of duties
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разнообразие обязанностей
various => variety
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разное => разнообразие
expand your vocabulary momentarily
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на мгновение
exciting = interesting
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захватывающий = интересный
= the value
it’s a very cost-efficient
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экономическая эффективность
have a strong=solid knowledge OF
have a strong background IN (very good experience)
have a strong (concrete-конкретное, very strong knowladge OF
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иметь сильное = твердое знание
career path (road)
it is the most attractive career path of the 21st centery
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карьера (дорога)
who is involved
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кто причастен(включен)
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коллега по проекту
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каждый, кто включены в project(менеджер, дизайнер, заказчик, директор...)
stakeholders are participants of the project, or the parties in business
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collect = gather
they collect, store and analyze data
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to handle = to deal with something
to handle to creation of all kinds of smart technology
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to handle = иметь дело с чем-то
in order to
i need to go to the store to buy greceries
i need to go to the store in order to buy groceries
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you need to have experise (stronge experience) in data modding
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экспертное умение или знания в определенной области
to be proficient in
= to have a lot of experience in something
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быть опытным в, иметь большой опыт
pay attention
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обращать внимание
it’s temporary
temporary activities
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это временно
it’s in my possession
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first of all
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прежде всего
an average
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в среднем
he is working from home due to some health problems
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в связи
due to
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из-за, по причине, в связи
it doesn’t work properly
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должным образом
to equip with
i will equip you with a lot of new vocabulary
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оснастить, снабдить, обеспечить
to watch a sitcom “Silicon valley”
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комедийный сериал
definitely check it out
you should definitely check it out
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обязательно проверь это
it’s fun and very entertaining
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развлекательный, занимательный
end up
you end up paing only 500
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в итоге
naturally aligned with company
employees interests are naturally aligned with company
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натурально связаны с компание
otherwise you wouldn’t be able to start anything
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в противном случае, иначе
argue with
if you read “TechCrunch” or “Wired” magazine you couldn’t argue with that, right?!
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Спорить с
so influential in the world
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настолько важно(влиятельно) в мире
to trust
so trust me
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quickly adapting to change
it means you have to get used to (привыкнуть) it
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быстро адаптируется к изменениям
to demand, demanding
demanding high level
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требовать, требующий
involvement and engagement
demanding high levels of involvement and engagement
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участие и вовлеченнлсть
so slacking is not possible here
slacking means being lazy
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расслабление, безделие
thinking outside the box
Thinking outside the box and finding innovative, cost-effective solutions to customer’s problems
= you have to be creative in your odeas
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мыслить творчески
to achieve
to achive our common goals
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get smth “off the ground”
That will help get your business “off the ground”(bring something from zero to hero, to start from scratch(царапины))
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поднять бизнес с нуля до высока
pain point
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болевая точка, уязвимое место
elegant and scalable
this our solution is elegant and scalable (to scale - масштабировать)
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элегантный и масштабируемый
elegant solution, elegant idea
Interesting way to express that something is great
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элегантное решение, элегантная идея
to pivot
Can we pivot if we have to?
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to pivot
to change the direction of your business
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модное слово
to be in charge of
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to be the boss
the same mindset
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такое же мышление
onboarding process
when you are being taken on the team
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процесс адаптации
“to be the right match”
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"Быть подходящим"
end up
you end up working with these people
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в конце то концов
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«to take onto accaunt»
=to consider
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принять во внимание/к сведению, учесть
annual budget
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годовой бюджет
elevator pitch
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краткое описание
this is your obility to talk about your idea
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умение; навык; способность
come across
= meet accidantly = meet unexpectedly =encounter= run into = bumb into
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обнаружить случайно; встретить; сталкиваться
to provide
You shoud be able to deliver your personal elevater pitch.
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предоставлять, донести
support and guidance
... where the startups can receive(получить) support and guidance
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поддержка и рекомендации
„to tackle the market”
= to investigate the market
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«исследовать рынок»
to kickstart a new business
to start a new business quickly
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быстро начать новый бизнес
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funding, accounting, other prerequisites
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финансирование, учет расходов и др необходимые условия
the price is good
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экономически эффективным
= businessman
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when you get some benefits from something, there is something good for you:)
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get your business off the ground
make your business cuccessful
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раскрутить свое дело/свой бизнесс
to bother
it’s something that bothers you, the problem that needs to be solved with you
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to be in charge of
= to be the boss
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быть ответственным за
a guide, guidance
when you are a guide you can give guidance to somebody
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руководство, рекомендация
on bord = on your team
to bring new people on board(on your team) i
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в команду
by the way
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to seperate
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отделить, раздедить
at stake
it is at stake; all our business is at stake, so we need to work very hard
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= socializing with other people
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having great value
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the place where you can turn your idea into a real business
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get down to verb+ing
lets get down to doing practice
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перейти к «делу»
pop up in my mind
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всплывет в моей голове
cutting-edge technology
= innovative, = very modern
What’s the first thing that pops up in your mind when you think of cutting-edge technology?
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Новейшие технологии
spur the development
= stimulate
you could spur the development of new breakthoughs in science
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стимулировать развитие
breakthroughs in sience
spur the development of new breakthroughs in science
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научные открытия
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to tackled issues
=to solve the problem
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решать проблемы
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исключать, устранять
= eliminate
it will soon subsitute traditions computers
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the power of quantum computing is overestimated?
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a threat destroying humans
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угроза уничтожения людей
to take over the world
= to take control
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захватить мир
a vast number
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огромное количество
leverage for lie detection
to use maximum capacity
is even leverage for lie detection
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рычаги для обнаружения лжи
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point out
some (некоторые) point out that...
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указать, отметить
simulated enviroment
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смоделированная среда
users are immersed and able to interact wth 3D worlds
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who controls who walks in and walks out of the building
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привратник, швейцар
augmented reality
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дополненная реальность
engaging but addicting,
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привлекательно но увлекательно,
overlays information
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накладывает информацию
food for thought
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пища для размышлений
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мозговой штурм / коллективное обсуждение
pop up in my mind
when you have quick idea you can say this popped up in my mind
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appear in my hea

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