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zewnetrzny dostawca
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external supplier
jeszcze przemyslec cos
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to think twice
jestem bezposrednia
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I am a straightforward
to duza przesada!
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its gross exaggeration
nie lubie sie chwalic
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I do not like to boast
przejd do sedna
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go to the point
musze to nosic przez miesiac
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I gotta wear this for a month
jak to sie stalo ze nigdy tu nie bylismy
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how come we've never been there
przecietny uczen
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the average student
nie badz dla siebie zbyt surowa
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don't be too harsh for yourself
poduszka na lozku
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cushion on the bed
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zaczela chichotac
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she started to giggle
duch oporu jest tu zywy
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spirit of resistance is alive here
uosabia idee
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epitomise the idea
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pomagalam na probach w teatrze
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i helped at the theater rehearsal
przystapil do budowy
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he set about building
picie alkoholu na wolnym powietrzu
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drinking alcohol outdoors
rozne wystepy
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different gigs
nie moge na niego liczyc
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I can't count on him
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final exams
jestem zla ma siebie
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I'm angry with myself
zal mi jej
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i feel so bad for her

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