Marta 22nd May 2016

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Obejrzałam ten film dwa razy w zeszłym miesiącu.
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I watched this film twice last month.
Obejrzałam ten film dwa razy.
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I've watched this film twice.
400 dolarów
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$400 / 400 dollars
Widziałam go tylko raz.
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I've seen him only once.
On miał samolot następnego dnia.
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He had a flight next day.
w tle
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in the background
Rozważam zrobienie tego.
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I consider doing it.
My flatmate consideRs moving to Germany.
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stand-up comedian
sprośne kawały
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dirty jokes
Jesteście dla siebie stworzeni.
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You are a perfect match.
rejestrować się przez fb
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to sign up with fb
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series / season
kilka dni temu
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A few days ago
ból głowy
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ból głowy in English
Mam zatwardzenie.
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I'm constipated.
Ona miała katar.
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She had a runny nose.
Ona szukała butów.
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She WAS looking for shoes.
Ona została zaproszona do jego rodziców.
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She was/got invited to his parents'.
w drodze do pracy
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on my way to work
on my way HOME
Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna...
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I would really appreciate IT if you could take notes while listening.
Doceniam twoją pomoc.
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I appreciate your help. / I'm grateful for your help.
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More than 30 people were injured.

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