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podobny / podobna
the news
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the news in English
I'll put it on silent
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Pominę milczeniem.
Where do they live?
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Gdzie mieszkają?
How old were you when you had Ada?
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Ile miałeś lat, kiedy urodziłaś Adę?
How old was she?
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Ile miała lat?
What was his name?
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Jakie było jego imię?
What was her job?
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Jaki był jej zawód?
What did she do?
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Co ona zrobiła?
She did a lot of things.
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Zrobiła wiele rzeczy.
She was a shop assistant.
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Była sprzedawczynią.
She worked at the butcher's.
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Pracowała u rzeźnika.
She worked at the bank.
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Pracowała w banku.
He was a maintenance person at the butcher's.
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Był konserwatorem u rzeźnika.
They worked for the same company but in two different place.
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Pracowali dla tej samej firmy, ale w dwóch różnych miejscach.
He retired this year
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Odszedł w tym roku na emeryturę.
She retired five years ago.
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Przeszła na emeryturę pięć lat temu.
She was sixty.
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Miała sześćdziesiąt lat.
Do you have children?
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Czy masz dzieci?
Did he hve children?
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Czy on hve dzieci?
How old are they?
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Jakim są wieku?
How old are you?
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Ile pan(i) ma lat?
How old is he?
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Ile on ma lat?
What do you do?
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Co robisz?
What does she do?
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Co ona robi?
What's your job?
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W jakim zawodzie pracujesz?
Are they alive?
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Czy oni żyją?
Do you have a husband?
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Masz męża?
Are you married?
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Czy pan jest żonaty?
What's his name?
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Jak się nazywa?
What's your husband's name?
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Jak ma na imię twój mąż?
When did she die?
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Kiedy umarła?
He was much older than your mother.
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Był dużo starszy niż matka.
Where did he live?
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Gdzie on mieszkał?
Did you know him?
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Znałeś go?
your father's wife
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żony twojego ojca
my mother's name
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imię mojej matki
What's you father's.
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Co ty ojca.
wife's name
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Imię żony
Do you know me?
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Znasz mnie?
Do you know her?
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Znasz ją?
Do you know him?
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Znasz go?
Do you know us?
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Znasz nas?
Do you know them?
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Znasz ich?
Why did she die?
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Dlaczego ona umarła?
How did she die?
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Jak umarła?
She died of cancer.
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Zmarła na raka.
lung cancer
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rak płuc
Did she smoke?
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Czy ona paliła?
Were they married?
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Byli małżeństwem?
Was she married?
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Ona była mężatką?
No, they weren't
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Nie, nie byli.
business opportunity
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Możliwości biznesowe
business advisor
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doradca biznesu
She's smiling
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Ona uśmiecha się
She's laughing
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Ona się śmieje
She's dancing in the street.
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Ona tańczy na ulicy.
She's having fun out in the sun.
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Ona zabawy w słońcu.
summer heat
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letni upał
one man's playing the saxophone
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jeden człowiek gra na saksofonie
another man's playing the guitar
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inny mężczyzna gra na gitarze
Everybody's watching her.
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wszyscy ją oglądają
She's feeling like a star
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Ona czuje się jak gwiazda
She's dancing with a sailor.
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Ona tańczy z marynarzem.
What's he doing here?
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Co on tu robi?
Call it Moscow madness.
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Nazwijmy to moskiewskim szaleństwem.
It's that time of year.
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To o tej porze roku.
What's happening?
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Co się dzieje?
People are celebrating and having fun
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Ludzie świętują i bawią się.
There are lots of people
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Istnieje wiele osób
some of them
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niektórzy z nich
some of us
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niektórzy z nas
some of you
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niektórzy z was
what a pity!
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jaka szkoda!

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