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- Mam problem
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I have a problem.
- Chciałbym zgłosic kradzie
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I’d like to report a theft.
- Zostałem napadniety
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I’ve been mugged.
- Ktos ukradł mój plecak
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Somebody has stolen my rucksack.
- Dokumenty i karty kredytowe
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My documents and credit cards.
- Zgubiłem paszport
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I’ve lost my passport.
- Chce sie skontaktowac z Polskim konsulatem
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I’d like to contact the Polish consulate.
- Mówie słabo po angielsku
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I don’t speak English well.
- Ktos ukradł mój samochód
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Somebody has stolen my car.
- Zostawiłem go na parkingu
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I left it in the car park.
- Zepsuł mi sie samochód
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My car has broken down.
- Czy mo e pan wezwac pomoc drogowa?
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Can you call the emergency breakdown service?
- Skonczyło mi sie paliwo
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I’ve run out of petrol.
- Moje baga ze zagineły
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My luggage is lost.
- Spózniłem sie na samolot
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I’m late for the plane.
- Był wypadek!
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There was an accident!
- Jaki jest numer ratunkowy?
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What’s the emergency number?
- Czy ma pan komórke?
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Have you got a mobile?
- Dzwoncie po pogotowie!
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Call an ambulance!
- Dzwoncie na policje!
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Call the Police!
- Dzwoncie po straz poz arna!
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Call the fire brigade!
- pomoc
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- Czy potrzebujesz pomocy?
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Do you need help?
- Tak, prosze
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Yes, please.
- Nie, dziekuje
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No, thanks.
- konieczne
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- To nie jest konieczne
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It’s not necessary.
- dac rade
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to manage
- Dam sobie rade
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I can manage.

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