Kartkowka 1b

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pusta laska
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zartobliwie o relacjach plciowych
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the birds and the bees
gryzc reke ktora cie karmi
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to bite the hand that feeds you
ugryzc sie w jezyk
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to bite one's tongue
czarna owca w rodzinie
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black sheep of the family
swietnie sie bawie
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I have a blast
wyjawic sekret, wydac kogos
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to blow someone's cover
wyjsc na zero
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to break even
zrobic cos czego nie bylo wczesniej
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to break new ground
zlamac komus serce
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to break someone's heart
powiedziec komus zla wiadomosc
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to break it to someone / to break the news to someone
wybuchnac placzem
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to burst into tears
skonczyc na dzisiaj
Skonczmy na dzisiaj. Robi sie pozno.
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to call it a day
Let's call it a day. It's getting late.
umiec spiewac, wyczuc tonacje
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to carry a tune
wzbogacic sie na czyms
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to cash in on something
On/Ona jest dobra partia.
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He/She is quite a catch.
przyciagnac czyjs wzrok
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to catch someone's eye
slaba glowa
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a cheap drunk
wiadomosc od lekarza, ze wszystko jest ok
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a clean bill of health
posprzatac ze stolu
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a clear the table
o maly wlos
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a close call
podroze morskie
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wracac z pustymi rekami
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to come away empty handed
przerwac, zakonczyc, skonczyc sie
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to come to an end
ujawnic czyjes preferencje plciowe
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to come out of the closet
jakby sie nad tym zastanowic
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come to think of it
nie osiagnac tego czego sie chcialo
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to come up short
cokolwiek sie stanie
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come what may
kopiowanie, zgapianie (negatywnie)
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przerobic duza partie materialu
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to cover a lot of ground
kryc kogos
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to cover for someone
na skraju switu
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at the crack of dawn
nocowac u kogos
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to crash

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