Karolina 21st July 2015 (50 min)

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a few
ona nie ma żadnych planów
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she doesn't have any plans.
mocno padało
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the rain was heavy
ruch w Warszawie jest zawsze duży
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the traffic in Warsaw is always heavy
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yesterday there was a big downpour in Suwaki.
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ubierać kogoś
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to dress sb
ubierać się
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to get dressed
Jak długie było wasze spotkanie?
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How long was your meeting?
zapalić coś
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to light - lit - lit / to light - lighted - lighted
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Powinnam pójść do lekarza
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I should go to the doctor.
Powinnam była pójść do lekarza.
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I should HAVE gone to the doctor.
Powinnam była zrobić zakupy.
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I should have done the shopping.
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Mogłabym zrobić to dziś wieczorem.
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I could do it tonight.
mógbyś im pomóc
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you could help them.
Mogła, pomóc mojemu sąsiadowi.
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I could have helped my neighbour.
Mogłem sprzedać mój stary samochód w piątek.
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I could have sold my old car on Friday.
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jesteś taka dziwna
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you are so weird
ona być może pojechała do Niemiec.
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she might have gone to Germany.
zdradzić kogoś
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to cheat on sb
She might have cheated on her husband.

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