Jez Vocab 4

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a nobleman
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szlachcic, arytkokrata (a noblewoman – arystokratka)
to condone sth
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akceptować, godzić się na coś
to hold back
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evil through and through
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zły w każdym calu
to be power-hungry
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być żądnym władzy
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obeznany w świecie / experienced
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deep down
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w głębi serca/duszy
a gentle soul
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delikatna dusza
to distress sb
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sprawiać komuś przykrość
a vicious sting of guilt
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okrutne ukłucie winy
to sleepwalk
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to thine own self be true
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żyć w zgodzie z samym sobą
to secure theritory
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zabezpieczać terytorium
to spot
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spostrzegać, zauważać
to creep up
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podkradać się
to send a code
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wysyłać kod
an imitation
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naśladowanie /copying behaviour
a struggle
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an aggregate behaviour
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łączne zachowanie, zbiór zachowań
a fright
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kryteria (sg: criterion) / factors used to judge or decide something
a protocol
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to evolve
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rozwijać się
a quality
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jakość / how good or bad something is
a faculty
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wykładowcy, kadra naukowa / the teaching Staff at a university or college
an index
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indeks, spis / alphabetical list of items used for reference
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istotny / important or significant to that situtation
to secure
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obtain something after a lot of effort
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made up of smaller amounts added together
to imitate
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to copy behavior

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