in/at/ on etc.

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Question Answer
o piątej
start learning
at five o'clock
o północy(inne pory dnia tez)
start learning
at midnight
w piatek
start learning
on Friday
w piatki
start learning
on Fridays
16 maja 1999 (daty)
start learning
on 15 May 1999
W dzien bozego narodzenia (dni i daty)
start learning
on Christmas Day
w sierpniu(miesiace
start learning
in August
w 1998
start learning
in 1998
w sredniowieczu
start learning
in Middle Ages
start learning
in Summer
w nocy(wyjatek)
start learning
at night
w weekend(wyjatek)
start learning
at weekend
w swieta bozego narodzenia (wyjatek)
start learning
at Christmas
w tym momecie/ obecnie (wyjatek)
start learning
at the moment/ at presents
w przyszlosci
start learning
in (the) future
w tym samym czasie (wyjatek)
start learning
at the same time
start learning
in the morning/in the evening/in the afternoon
w piatkowy poranek/popoludnie/wieczor
start learning
on Friday morning/afternoon/evening
w 6 miesiecy
start learning
in six months
w pare minut
start learning
in a few minutes
na przystanku autobusowym
start learning
at the bus stop
w drzwiach, w progu
start learning
at the door
w oknie, wychylac sie z niego
start learning
at the window
na rondzie(przy tlumaczeniu drogi)
start learning
at the roundabout
w recepcji
start learning
at reception
na stronie siodmej np. ksiazki
start learning
on page seven
w rzedzie, zrobic cos np pare razy z rzedu
start learning
in a row
w departamenice
start learning
in a department
na zdjeciu
start learning
in a photo / in a photograph
na rysynku
start learning
in a picture
na niebie
start learning
in the sky
na ziemi
start learning
in the world
na mapie
start learning
on a map
w menu
start learning
on menu
na liscie np rzeczy do zrobienia
start learning
on list
na farmie
start learning
on a farm
na rzecze/ na wybrzezu/ na drodze
start learning
on a river/on a coast/ on a list
w drodze gdzies
start learning
on the way
na gorze/ na dole/ na koncu czegos
start learning
at the top of/ at the bottom of/ at the end
z przodu/ z tylu auta
start learning
in the front/ in the back of car
z przodu/ z tylu budynku
start learning
at the front/at the back of a building
w rogu pokoju
start learning
in the corner of a room
na rogu ulicy
start learning
on the corner / at the corner of the street
w szpitalu
start learning
in hospital
w wiezieniu
start learning
in prison
w wiezieniu
start learning
in jail
w domu
start learning
at home
w pracy
start learning
at work
w szkole
start learning
at school
na univerku
start learning
at university
w koledzu
start learning
at collage
nad morzem (podrozujac, mieszkac)
start learning
at sea
w morzu np. kompac sie
start learning
in the sea
na imprezie
start learning
at a party
na wydarzeniu
start learning
at an event
na stacji
start learning
at station
na lotnisku
start learning
at airport
na spotkaniu
start learning
at meeting
na slubie
start learning
at wedding
na meczu pilki noznej
start learning
at football match
w autobusie
start learning
on a bus
w pociagu
start learning
on a train
w samolocie
start learning
on a plain
na statku
start learning
on a ship
w samochodzie
start learning
in a car
w taksowce
start learning
in a taxi
na rowerze
start learning
on a bike / on a bicycle
na motorze
start learning
on a motorbike
na koniu
start learning
on a horse
dojeciach do miejsca/budynku/wydarzeni
start learning
arrive at
dojechac do miasta/ panstawa
start learning
arrive in
wsiasc/wysiasc do autobusu
start learning
get on/get off a bus
wsiasc/wysiasc do pociagu
start learning
get on/ get off a train
wsiasc/wysiasc do samolotu
start learning
get on/ get off a plane
wsiasc do samochodu/ wejsc do budynku, pokoju etc
start learning
get into
w sloncu etc
start learning
in the sun
w cieniu
start learning
in the shade
pisac tuszem
start learning
in ink
pisac dlugopisem
start learning
in pen
pisac olowkiem
start learning
in pencil
start learning
w mojej opini
start learning
in my opinion
byc zakochanym w kism
start learning
to be in love with sb
w wieku
start learning
at the age of
na wysokosci
start learning
at an altitude
w telewizji
start learning
on television
w radio
start learning
on the radio
przez telefon rozmawiac z kims
start learning
on the phone/ on the telephone
byc na starjku
start learning
be on strike
na diecie
start learning
on diet
palic, byc w ogniu
start learning
on fire
w calosci, podsumowujac, calosciowo
start learning
on the whole
start learning
on purpose
prze maila
start learning
by e-mail
przez telefon (kontaktowac sie z kims)
start learning
by phone
placic gotowka
start learning
pay cash/ pay in cash
przez przypadek
start learning
by chance
podrozowac czyms np samochodem
start learning
by car
cos zrobione przez kogos
start learning
sth done by sb
cos zrobione przy pomocy czegos
start learning
sth done with sth
napisane przez szekspira
start learning
wirtten by Shakespeare

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