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get someone's point
start learning
wiem o co ci chodzi
first things first
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po kolei
where there is a will there is a way
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gdzie jest wola, znajdzie się sposób
go back on one's words
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zlamac slowo
worlds apart
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roznic sie bardzo
all along
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od początku
as it were
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niejako, jakgdyby
all in all
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w sumie
it serves you right
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dobrze Ci tak
cut it out
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dość tego
don't mention it
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nie ma za co
out with it
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wydus to z siebie
see to it that
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dopilnuje tego
you said it
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zgadzam sie calkowicie
at that
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w dodatku
sleep on it
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przespij sie z tym
at that rate
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w takim razie
that will do
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to wystarczy
too much of a good thing
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za dużo tego dobrego
have a memory like a sieve
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ma pamięć jak sito
know something like the back of one's hand
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znac cos jak wlasna kieszen
on the spur of the moment
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pod wpływem chwili
this day week
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za tydzien
have a sweet tooth
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lubic slodycze
have sth on the tip of one's tounge
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miec cos na koncu jezyka
ten to one
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zakladac ze
the blue eyed boy
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smell a rat
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wyczywac podstep
when the cat is away the mice will play
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kota nie ma myszy grasuja

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