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zła passa
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a bad patch
promyk nadziei
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a ray of hope
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at random
w ostatniej chwili
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at the eleventh hour
psuć nastrój
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be a wet blanket
być na antenie
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be on the air
pobić kogoś "na kwaśne jabłko"
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beat somebody black and blue
robić z igły widły
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change a fly into an elephant
wstać lewą nogą
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get up on the wrong side of the bed
zejść z anteny
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go off the air
trafić w sedno
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hit the nail on the head
na piśmie
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in black and white
wygadać się
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let something slip
nie mieć pojęcia
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not have a clue
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on impulse
raz na zawsze
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once and for all
oświadczyć się
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pop the question
wywierać presję
start learning
put pressure
start learning
red tape
start learning
shoot the breeze
z podwójną siłą
start learning
with a vengeance

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