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ile razy?
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how many times?
zostań z nim!
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stay with him!
moja pierwsza fotografia z nią
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my first photograph with her
międzynarodowa gwiazda filmowa
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an international film star
te dwa namioty
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these two tents
najlepszy sposób
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the best way
nie taki gruby jak Peter
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not so fat as Peter, not as fat as Peter
nie słuchaj ich
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don't listen to them
jak się tam dostać?
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how to get there?
tydzień lub dwa nad morzem
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a week or two at the seaside
bez naszego sąsiada?
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without our neighbour?
myślę, że dość regularnie
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fairly regularly, I think
znany walijski pisarz
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a well-known Welsh writer
za dużo pacjentów a za mało lekarzy
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too many patients and too few doctors
urlop w tym roku?
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a holiday this year?
żadnego picia poniżej 18 lat
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no drink under 18
nie idż tam! poczekaj!
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don't go there! wait!
ponad 30 procent sklepów prywatnych
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over 30 per cent of private shops
wyprawić przyjęcie? czemu nie?
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to give a party? why not?
o wiele młodszy od Marka
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much younger than Mark
nie przychodźcie razem
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don't come together
rozumieć kobiety
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to understand women
jak często? raz lub dwa
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how often? once or twice
inny popularny zawód (gracz)
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another popular player

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