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have a row
She didn't want to have a row with her parents.
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take into account
It's important to take into account what the weather will bo like.
be a case of
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play a part in
Several factors play a part in the success.
laugh at
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make fun of
It's arrogant to make fun of other people.
join in
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take part in
10 men will take part in competition.
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make sense of
Baby is starting to make sense of the world around him.
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lend a hand
They agreed to lend a hand.
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lose truck of
He loses track of their names.
tell her
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let her know
I let her know about party.
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get in touch with
She got in touch with us.
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say sorry
It's difficult to say sorry for mistakes.
she promises him
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she gives him her word
She gave him her word that she would visit him.

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