eng 2

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abbrEviate, shorten
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Abdicate, relinquish power or position
rezygnować; zrezygnować; wyrzekać się; wyrzec się; porzucać; porzucić; zaniechać
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to relinquish; No one wants to relinquish power once they have it.
oddać coś komuś
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relinquish something to somebody; Stultz relinquished control to his subordinate.
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abdUct, kidnap, to take someone away BY force
uprowadzenie dziecka
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child abduction
niezaleznie od pogody
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no matter what the weather
czy mógłbyś odprowadzić mnie do samochodu?
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could you walk me to my car?
niezależnie od
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no matter how/whether/what; Feeding a baby is a messy job no matter how careful you are.
puszczać kaczki na wodzie
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to skim stones/pebbles BrE, to skip stiones AmE; to throw smooth, flat stones into a lake, river etc in a way that makes them jump across the surface
puszczanie kaczek
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stone skipping
wracać do przeszłości
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to travel back in time
podróżować w przyszłość
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to travel into/in the future
Ratownik dmuchnął w gwizdek.
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The lifeguard blew his whistle.
dodatkowe gadżety
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bells and whistles; I like cars that are loaded with all the bells and whistles.
czy nasmarujesz mi plecy?
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will you do my back
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ROmance, roMANCE
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wykańczać coś
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put the final/finishing touches to something
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dodgy; One girl thought the men looked dodgy.
na nocnym wypadzie
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ON a night out
czy byłoby to złe, gdybym zapytał / poprosił
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would it be wrong if I asked you
być uznanym za winnego
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to be found guilty OF sth (genius)
pomylić kogoś z kimś
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to mistake sb for sb
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visual imagination
stanik odpinany z przodu
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slap in the face

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