Employment and the job market

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gospodarka oparta na rolnictwie
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agriculture based economy
nadzorować, być szefem
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be in charge
zostac zwolnionym
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be made redundant
byc bezrobotnym
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be out of work
awansowac, dostac awans
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be promoted
kariera w
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Career in
perpektywa kariery
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career prospects
wykonywac obowiazki
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carry out duties
wybor zawodu
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choice of career
wspinac sie po szczeblach kariery
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climb the career ladder
radzic sobie z czymś
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cope with
zaloga, obsada, ekipa, zespol
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agencja posrednictwa prac
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employment agency
wyjechac w sprawach biznesowych
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go away on business
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go bankrupt
(pojsc) na zwolnienie lub urlop
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(go on) leave
zlozyc rezygnacje
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hand in your resignation
podniesc wydajnosc
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increase efficiency
gospodarka oparta na informacji
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information economy
rynek pracy
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labour market
zwolnic kogos z pracy
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lay sb off
uczyc sie zawodu w praktyce
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learn on the job
uczenie sie przez cale zycie
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lifelong learning
zarabiac na zycie
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make a living doing sth
badania rynku
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market research
praca (zazwyczaj biurowa) o stałych godzinach
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nine to five job
na takich samych warunkach
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on equal terms
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zwolnic sie / zreygnowac z pracy
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quit / resign
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emerytura (pieniądze)
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retirement (money)
przekwalifikować się
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wzrost bezrobocia
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rise in unemployment
prowadzic uslugi / biznes
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run a service / business
wyniki sprzedazy
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sales figures
zalozyc firme
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set up a company
ubic interes
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strike a deal
wyzsze stanowisko
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superior position
nadzorowac prace
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supervise work
nadzorca, kierownik
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brac wolny dzien
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take a day off
prowadzic nabor (pracownikow)
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take on (employees)
przejmowac od kogos (obowiazki)
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take over from sb
z praca wiaze sie...
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the job/work involves...
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the unemployed
sekrety zawodowe
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tricks of the trade
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wolna posada, wakat
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