Elinga 6th Nov 2014

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ill = sick
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czy jesteś chora?
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are you sick?
czy jesteś chora znowu?
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are you sick again?
powiedz to jeszcze raz
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say it again
zrób to jeszcze raz
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do it again
przeczytaj to jeszcze raz
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read it again
Boli mnie głowa.
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I have a headache.
My brother has a headache.
she HAS a headache
ból głowy
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a headache
Czy boli cię głowa?
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Do you have a headache?
Does your brother have a headache?
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ból żołądka
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a stomachache
I have a stomachache.
ból zęba
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a toothache
I have a toothache.
Boli mnie gardło.
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I have a sore throat.
Cieknie mi z nosa.
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I have a runny nose.
Jestem przeziębiona.
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I have a cold.
Mam temperaturę.
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I have a fever.
Does your brother have a fever?
iść do domu
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to go home
ona idzie do pracy teraz
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She is going TO work.
mój brat idzie do szkoły.
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my brother is going TO school.
Myję włosy raz w tygodniu.
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I wash my hair once a week.
mysz / myszy
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mouse / mice
gonić myszy
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to chase mice
my cat is chasing two mice.
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to die
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to lie
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to cry
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it is raining.
pada śnieg
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it is snowing
dzisiaj w nocy
Dzisiaj w nocy idę do kina. (PLAN)
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I'm going to the cinema tonight.
w czwartek spotykam się z przyjaciółmi. (PLAN)
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Thursday I'm meeting my friends.
On ma wizytę u lekarza jutro. (PLAN)
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He IS seeing the doctor tomorrow.
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to dance
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silly / stupid
zostać w domu
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to stay at home
chcę zostać w domu
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I want to stay at home.
chcę kupić ten samochód.
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I want TO buy THIS car.
on chce przeczytać tę książkę
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He wants TO read THIS book
Co chcesz robić w piątek wieczorem?
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What do you want to do on Friday night?
pójść na narty
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to go skiing
to go VERB+ ing = > to go dancing / to go swimming / to go skiing / to go running
udanego wieczoru
udanego weekendu
udanego dnia
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have a nice evening
have a nice weekend
have a good day

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