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enforcement of judgements
tytuł wykonawczy
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enfoceable title
klauzula wykonalności
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enforceability clause/order for enforcement
nakaz ehzekucyjny (USA)
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writ of execution
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bailiff, court enforcement officer attached to district court
środki egzekucyjne
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enforcement measures
uznać orzeczenie
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to recognise a decision/judgment
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district court
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county court
organ egzekucyjny
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enforcement body
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wezwanie sądowe
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jedgment summons
polecenie uzyskania info.
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order to obtain information
wyczerpać środki egzekucji
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to exhaust enforcement measures
wierzytelności alimentacyjne
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maintenance claims
skarga na czynności komornika
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To make/file complaint against the actions taken by the bailiff
natychmiastowa wykonalność wyroku
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immediate enforceability of a judgement
wykonać decyzję
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to enforce a decision
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attachment, seizure
zajęcie zarobków
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wage garnishment/attachment of earnings
spełanić wymogi prawa
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meet the formal requirements
prawomocne orzeczenie sądu
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valid and final judgement
ugoda sądowa
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a court settlement
Wyrok/ugoda przed sądem polubownym
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a judgement/settlement of a concilliation court
akt notarialny z poddaniem się egz.
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a deed drawn up by a public notary by which the debtor has submitted to enforcement
wniosek egzekucyjny
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motion for the enforcement of decision
wniosek o zabezp. Roszczenia
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request to secure the claim
operat szacunkowy
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valuation survey/appraisal report

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