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Question Answer
bore, borne
start learning
bear, nosić
was, been
start learning
be, być
became, become
start learning
become, zostać
began, begun
start learning
begin, zaczynać
beheld, beheld
start learning
behold, ujrzeć
bought, bought
start learning
buy, kupować
could, been
start learning
can, móc
cast, cast
start learning
cast, rzucać
catch caught caught łapać
start learning
chose, chosen
start learning
chose, chosen
came, come
start learning
come, przychodzić
did, done
start learning
do, robić
drew, drawn
start learning
draw, rysować
drank, drank
start learning
drink, pić
drove, driven
start learning
drive, jechać
ate, eaten
start learning
eat, jeść
felt, elt
start learning
feel, zuć
fed, fed
start learning
feed, karmić
flew, flown
start learning
fly, lecieć
got, got
start learning
get, dostać
gave, given
start learning
give, dawać
went, gone
start learning
go, iść
had, had
start learning
have, mieć
heard, heard
start learning
hear, słyszeć
knew, known
start learning
know, wiedzieć, znać
lay, lain
start learning
lie, leżeć
light lighted, lit lighted
start learning
light, zapalać
lost, lost
start learning
lose, gubić
made, made
start learning
make, robić
met, met
start learning
meet, spotkać się
had to, had to
start learning
must, musieć
quit, quit
start learning
quit, zrezygnować
rang, rung
start learning
ring, dzwonić
read, read
start learning
read, czytać
ran, run
start learning
run, biec
said, said
start learning
say, mówić
saw, seen
start learning
see, widzieć
set, set
start learning
set, ustawić
sat, sat
start learning
sit, siadać
spoke, spoken
start learning
speak, mówić
swam, swum
start learning
swim, pływać
took, taken
start learning
take, brać
told, told
start learning
tell, mówić
thought thought
start learning
think, myśleć
wrote, written
start learning
write, pisać
won, won
start learning
win, wygrać

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