Corporate team building

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get along with sb
What are companies doing to make staff get along better and work more efficiently as a team?
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dogadać się z kimś
Neil and Sophie discuss the growing industry of corporate team building – from zombie bootcamps to horse training for executives.
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wspólny, grupowy, zbiorowy
boot camp
Neil and Sophie discuss the growing industry of corporate team building – from zombie bootcamps to horse training for executives.
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obóz dla rekrutów
Neil and Sophie discuss the growing industry of corporate team building – from zombie bootcamps to horse training for executives.
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kierownik, menager, pracownik na kierowniczym stanowisku
involving or associated with a corporation. ​relating to a ​large ​company: corporate ​finance, corporate ​executives
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All ​adults take corporate ​responsibility for the ​upbringing of the tribe's ​children.
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someone in a high ​position, ​especially in ​business, who makes ​decisions and puts them into ​action. executives -a ​group of ​people who ​run a ​business or an ​organization
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What did Chairman Mao introduce in China in1951 as a compulsory activity for workers and was reintroduced by the government a few years ago?
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ponownie przywrócić
cerebral = intellectual or 'brainy'
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bootcamp = a short course of hard physical training
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obóz dla rekrutów
cerebral cortex
cerebral = ​demanding or ​involving ​careful ​thinking and ​mental ​effort ​rather than ​feelings:
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kora mózgowa
intimidating something that makes you feel nervous
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a ​thick, ​clear, ​liquid ​substance, ​especially one used on the ​hair or ​body
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If two or more ​people gel, they ​form a good ​relationship or ​become ​friends: The ​team really gelled during the first few ​games of the ​season.
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dogadywac sie / zjednoczyc
shake a leg
shake a leg = get moving
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pospieszyć się, ruszyć się
shake a leg
used to ​tell someone to ​hurry or ​act more ​quickly: Come on, Nick, shake a ​leg or we'll never be ​ready in ​time
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pospieszyć się, ruszyć się
Sophie – did you go on the corporate awayday last week?
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wspólny, grupowy, zbiorowy
And apparently, some companies in the UK are offering their employees activities such as... Hunger Games-style combat days where teams must work together to 'kill' as many of the opposing team as possible.
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a ​fight, ​especially during a ​war: Many people died in this combat.
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There was ​fierce combat between the two ​sides.
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The ​film ​explores the combat between good and ​evil.
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badać /zgłębiać
train someone on something
There're also Zombie boot camps where military instructors train you on how to fight zombies – that's dead people who have come back to life.
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przeszkolić kogoś na czymś
stick with
I'll stick with callisthenics, thanks.
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trzymać się
stick with something
to ​continue ​trying hard to do something ​difficult: You'll never ​learn to ​play the ​piano if you're not going to ​stick at it.
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trzymać się czegoś
catch on
whilst English lessons might sound like hard work, ukulele lessons are apparently catching on.
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przyjąć się, zyskać na popularności
catch on
to ​become ​fashionable or ​popular: I ​wonder if the ​game will ​ever ​catch on with ​young ​people?
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przyjąć się, zyskać na popularności
Top businessmen Bill Gates and Warren Buffett both do it, and stressed-out city workers are following their lead.
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prowadzić, przewodniczyć
it's quite a fulfilling thing really. It's not competitive – it's quite easy to do and a bit less intimidating than a guitar...
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So it transcends all of those cultural boundaries – it transcends age, gender, religion, tradition etc.
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This film transcended everyone's expectations.
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groups of people to gel
And in an organization where you really need groups of people to gel, who come from backgrounds which have no common norms, you can teach that most efficiently with a horse.
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zjednoczyc grupy ludzi
to gel
To gel with someone means to connect or get on well with someone.
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right on the button
Well, you're right on the button! Well done there, Sophie!
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całkowita racja
right on the button
exactly ​correct: She was ​right on the button when she said I'd ​regret ​moving out.
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całkowita racja
group unity
alisthenics are used at schools as a warm up for physical education classes, during sports day activities, and by some companies as a way of building morale and a sense of group unity, as well as to raise energy levels and encourage good health.
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jedność grupy
the ​state of being ​joined together or in ​agreement: ​European ​political and ​economic unity
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shake a leg
Now shake a leg – or in other words – get moving – and tell us the words we learned today, Sophie.
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pospieszyć się, ruszyć się

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